Hello. My name is Otis and I work at the Sydenham Tuft Creation Centre as their head Stylist. I started off there on a K.O.P.S. (Kitten Opportunity Scheme) a while back now but soon graduated from floor sweeping and that sort of stuff and am now the best Tuft Creator in the South East. Well Sydenham, anyway.....I live with a funny American lady called Lenise and some other cats who were formally well known feline soul singers (Aretha and Ella) and Gizzy Dillespie who you will find out about later. He is weird.
This is me with Giz. He just farted.
Some people say I am simple, but I like to think I am just unconpli...uncoplink....uncofk...er, straightforward.I am looking forward to making all sorts on new friends as Lenise and Max say you can meet all sorts of interesting people on this myspace thing and I have just done a course in Basic Computing for Cats down the Community Centre. I like Centres, I do. I go there most days during the week when I am not styling the hair of the Rich and Hopeless.I hope you will enjoy reading my page and my blogs and that you will be my friend. Thank you very much. Bye. Bye. Bye now....