About Me
UNIFIX , film, Animation, Toys, Merchadise.CHECK THE UNIFIXSUPERS PICTURES IN MY PHOTO,S & GET TUNES FROM US ON zatme , payloadz.com & sellyourmusic1.com...THE UNIFIX SUPERS STARTED IN 2004,WHEN I WAS DRAWING PICTURES, JUST STUMBLEING ON A SUPER AFTER A SUPER. THERE ARE 45 SUPER HERO'S & FOES IN THE UNIFIX GODS 11 11......BIG...BIG LIKE SPIDERMAN, SUPERMAN,BATMAN,WONDERWOMAN CATWOMAN, THE HULK...WHEN UNIFIXSUPERS COME YOU WILL BE AMAZED,THE STORY IS MASSIVE check my photo,s to see all the Unifix supers heros... So far the story is that..The Unifix World was about to begin. Their Supers have landed creating nothing but caous on Earth, with Lopside, Lecta, Meanya, Yummy & Ribbon causeing fusion The humans have the Beesuper the sharp stinger, the superbutterfly together to save the world.. They rein on Earth to form the Insectors along with the Ladybirdsuper...Soon to come is Madaam Butterfly & gem with the Gods 11's..to help or distroy earths mightiest Unifix beings or the Humans...Insect instinks is telling them that there is more coming...Insect supers like the Manant..the Mighty Moth..&the Super Catterpillar...will Spiderman come?...stay tuned for the next epic...The unifix detective is on his way to sort this out, but can he?...a big fight and someones down!who could it be>? his been down for some time now, out cold.straight up to the light, she flys.through the house of the sky into space,worryed. looking for the 11Gods. Back on earth some of the unifix gather arround him,on his last breath he trys to speak to them! & said? the unifixdetective is comingwith the brain on his head, now the saviour Exodus is coming down too,will i live?you will die first & then get back up& rise like a pheenix.the unifixsupers arround him leave has he gets back up.he looks up & bang!