The idea of becoming "eternal" was developped back in the summer of 2006, when I recognized the limited potential of my band at that time and decided to go further. I wrote my first songs shortly after and they were still very traditional without the digital/electro arangements. With these songs in my mind, the idea of 'eternal' grew larger, it was waiting to be realized. After my band had faded into nonexistance in summer 2007 I started working on the 'eternal' concept. It was important to me to not putrificate while waiting for somebody with the same musical intentions like me.
During the christmas holidays in 2007, I recorded "rain", the first 'eternal' song, on my own. Everything except the guitars and vocals was programmed. No one was to disturb this process, for these were my thoughts, translated into music, into art, and so it went on. I AM ETERNAL!Header Banner Made with! Click here to make your own!