Polyheart Acoma profile picture

Polyheart Acoma

Game over...

About Me

'Polyheart Acoma' is a legitimate endeavor designed to push the boundarys of musical genres.

Virus - Armed with the complete collection of Radiohead, a few years of
guitar practise and a laptop with production software, this could go badly...
Epic lol

Dave - Armed with his almighty gangstaness, death metal frame-of-mind,
and one sexy Epiphone Les Paul, we might have some hope...
(Formerly of MyOwnEnemy & Bury The Damage)

My Interests


Member Since: 6/15/2008
Band Website: triplejunearthed.com.au/collosiaindreaming
Band Members: Virus Lycidas Valentine
Programing & Acoustic Guitar.

Dave Tutic
Electric Guitar & Triangle
Influences: Radiohead,
Joseph Arthur,
Nobou Uematsu,
Cosmo Circle.
Sounds Like: Whatever the hell we want it to...
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None