Nico Vrijenhoef is a software engineer. He played music since he was 8 years old.
First instrument was recorder and then he learned 2,5 years classic piano and a
half year jazz piano...
At the age of 20 he learned himself guitar playing.
He always composed music but never wrote any of the songs down.
In autumn 2007 he investigated the possibilities producing music with the
computer and was impressed by it. So he decided in december 2007 to buy the
necessary equipment (audio interface and sequencer)...
Then he started immediately writing texts and composing music.
Nico Vrijenhoef has one passion: singing karaoke!
The lyrics of the songs "Undo", "Dear Darling" and "So Many Things" are written by Sabrina Wosowiecki!
The lyrics of "Infuse The Body" is written by Victoria Robertson!
Nico Vrijenhoef is just learning bass and you can hear it on "JamSession",
on "I Can Fly (in my dreams)" or on "Infuse The Body" ;-)