TSO - 12-2-07 - Keyboard Duel/Wish Liszt
Keyboard duel.... very cool
Keyboard duel.... very cool
http://www.korg.com/gear/prod_info.asp?a_prod_no=OASYS&c ategory_id=1The ultimate extreme keyboard machine.I don't leave home without it!_________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _Who I would like to meet…whoever could help decrease gasoline pricing. “Funny†(poor choice of word) how this affects just about everything in our daily lives. We pay more now from air travel, to a trip to the supermarket. Oil companies get fatter and fatter, while we ultimately pay in the end. They nickel and dime us, while they make billions. Reminds me of a scene from the movie “Austin Powersâ€â€¦ where he say’s “ hold the world ransom for… one million dollars!… and everyone laughs at him because “one million dollars†isn’t worth squat. But to him..in the 60’s that was a “boat load of money†Is that what we are heading for with the price of gas? I’ll tell you what, the person who makes a difference in dropping the price of gas…I’ll add them first as a “top friend†on my page. Hell…. we all will! They could be the next “TOMâ€. Recently, Michele and I talked about how cool it would be about maybe getting a boat. Forget it! First, you need something with the power of a truck/SUV to haul the thing. Second, the gas to use it. Can’t pull it with a scooter. It would look pretty funny with the front tire in the air trying to pull the damm thing! Next, thing you know… we all will be driving some two-bit scooter. Soon, the U.S. will look like Saigon, Vietnam. All we need is a girl who speaks broken English on every corner saying “me so horny†to set the scene. All this... from stopping to get gas this morning…. ;-)