Music is my life ! I do what I do, because I have to ! I can't help myself ! Its the only things that keeps me sane (ish)
You dont have to listen ! But you can if you want to !The tracks here are just some of the ideas I have been playing around with recently. They have morphed and changed and grown over time until they are what they are now. They have at least kept me out of mischief (mostly) while I have been searching for meaningful employment.I have taken down the binaural strangeness that was here before. I think maybe I was a little ahead of my time with that one. Although if you still want to hear it or want a full copy let me know, (you crazy fool!) "More than a number" is an album created during my final degree year, incorporating binaural beats at 7.83Hz (Shuman resonance) as well as other frequencies and many layers of guitar feedback, electronica and vocals.
Only for those with an open mind or properly lobotomised !If you want more info on binaural beats or brainwave entrainment hit me up.Thanks for looking at my page and listening to my music. (assuming you did listen!) I hope you found it .... .... leave me some comments or send me a message (if you have the time) and let me know what you think !
Peace out !