Hi my names Kyle Bonham, Im 19 and one of the only natives left in the city of Cape Coral, Florida. I work at Target whose paychecks I use to pay for my car and the new Duplex I just moved in with one of my best friends Kyle and his girl Maria. I'm pretty simple I work, I play and make the best of whatever situation im in, though I occasionally call up my good friend and racing bud DJ who lives in South Carolina now when things get rough. The budgets tight but we've made it so far. Its my dream to become a full fledge Paramedic like my dad who is an FTO for Lee County EMS though I might not say it to him he is my only hero and like him I want to make it into the field on my own. My Mom is a hardworking woman both at work and home, she is the most ethically strong and ittelligent women in my life and her guidance is worth its weight in gold. My parents have raised three of the best men in this country and have given me a strong moral and ethical obligation to myself and my country. My older brother is a your good old american, married, has a son on the way (JARED), two cars and one huge house. He is a role model and a good friend and I wish him luck in Iraqi. My little brother Seth is a beast at weight lifting and is the most determined fitness gurew i know besides DJ who I met washing dishes at a nursery home in Cape Coral. We worked as the guys in the back who washed dishes all day long. I can't remember how many jokes were cracked in there but i do remember Christmas night, the reckless trips in the gulf carts and the constant free food that we got from that place (inside joke: OK VIRGINIA). If i had to have another brother it most likely would be my good friend Kyle Denison who I've probably spent 1/4 of every hour for the last four years arguing, joking, racing, watching movies, and fighting about stupid shit. We were powder puff participants and when they denied us our costume day we dressed up in sumo suits on twin day. I know we both got eachothers back no matter what happens, unless i crack a joke about chevy.