MISS KIM profile picture


U HEAR THA SONG.....................

About Me

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Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com

Great Survey for 20 & Over...
name: Kim
nicknames: Mizz Kim
zodiac sign: Leo
birthplace: Cleveland
current location: Columbus
height: 5'5
nationality: Black
Do You...
want to get married?: Yeah, Someday
want kids?: Yep 3... 2 boys and 1 diva
still sleep with a stuffed animal?: No
get motion sickness?: Yeah
have tattoos? how many?: Yes, 2 - 1 on my lower back and 1 on my shoulder blade
have piercings? how many?: Yes, a belly ring and 2 in each ear
Can You....
sing?: No, but I think I can
whistle?: Yeah
surf?: No, I don't get down with the water
snowboard?: No, Im from Cleveland but I hate the snow
roll your tongue?: Trying now and it ain't working
Right Now You Are...
listening to..: T.I.
watching...: 106 & Park
eating...: Chocolcate Cake
wearing...: A Rocawear Outfit
How Old Were You When...
you had your first bf/gf?: Preschool
had your first kiss?: I think I was 12 and it was a dare
fell in love for the first time?: 17 with my dumb ass ex boyfriend
got a real job?: 18, I being a waitress for 3 weeks counts
started paying your own bills?: 20... got my first apartment
moved away from home?: 18 when I moved to Columbus for school and Yes I CRIED
Would You Ever...
marry for money?: No
scuba dive?: Maybe
sky dive?: Hell No
marry for money?: Uhhhh NO...
lie to spare someone's feelings?: Yeah but it probably won't come out right.
have a long distance relationship?: Maybe
marry for money?: Ok Damn How Much?? LOL. NO marriage is sacred
Do You Believe In...
love at first sight?: Not really but you can definitely have a connection
soulmaes?: Yep
ghosts?: Yes
aliens?: It's possible
heaven?: OF COURSE and I bet it's Beautiful
hell?: Yep
Flash From The Past....
Which is your favorite smurf?: Brainy Smurf, Don't sleep on the smart ones.
Scooby Doo or The Flintstones?: Scooby Doo
Zach or Slater?: Zach, Slater was to arrogant and would try to take my attention
90210 or Melrose Place?: 90210
He-man or She-ra?: He-Man all day
Barbie or Jem & The Holograms?: Jem she could have been a Sista
Care Bears or My Little Pony?: Care Bears
Hot Wheels or Micro Machines?: Hot Wheels
Dunkin Doughnuts Guy or Where's The Beef Lady?: HUH????
What Was the Last....
cd you bought?: T.I.
movie you saw?: ATL
show you watched?: Watching 106 & Park now
person you talked to?: my girl Tameka just called me
person you hugged?: ??????????????
compliment you recieved?: A guy came up to me today when I was out buying lunch and told me I was Sexy and Chocolate
time you laughed?: Just got finish laughing at these stalking ass niggas with my girl, Tameka
thing you ate?: Chocolate Cake
thing you drank?: A Pepsi
place you went?: work
color?: Red and Black
food?: Fried Chicken, greens and Mac & Cheese
drink?: Dole or Snapple Kiwi Strawberry
fast food restaurant?: McDonalds
alcoholic beverage?: Greygoose with a SPLASH of cranberry
place to hang out?: the club or house with my friends
place on earth to be?: at my mother's house with my family
day of the week?: FRIDAY and SATURDAY
book?: Antwone Fisher
seaso?: Summer, I was born in August
sport?: Basketball
vacation spot?: Miami for now.. But I loved the Bahamas
Either or....
cats / dogs: Neither... Im scared of dogs and I don't like cats
book / movie: Movie
flowers / candy: Candy, flowers die
swim / run: Run, I can't swin and Im not going to mess up my hair trying to learn
Ben Harper / Jack Johnson: Who???
boxers / briefs: Boxers
basketball / football: Basketball
Wal-Mart / Target: Target
AOL / Yahoo: Yahoo
Leno / Letterman: Leno
Paris, France / Florence, Italy: Never been to
pepsi / coke: Pepsi
coffee / tea: Tea
chocolate / vanilla: Chocolate
summer / winter: Summer
snowboard / ski: Niether, I don't like the snow and Im scared of heights
surf / wakeboard: No, not a fan of water activities
cake / pie: Cake
Pizza Hut / Papa John's: Pizza Hut (pan crust)
Adidas / Nike: Nike... MY AIR FORCES
Have You Ever...
been in love?: Yes I have
protested something?: walked out in high school to protest the treatment of Black History Month
been on a plane?: Yeah and I still get nervous
been to a nude beach?: No
done something stupid when you were drunk?: Does sleeping on the floor of a dorm hallway count?
performed on a stage?: Yep, I danced in high school and Easter/Christmas programs at church when I was a kid
tried to count the stars?: Yeah when I was younger. It's harder than you think
slept outside in a tent?: No...
caught a fish?: Once when I was like 9
met a celebrity?: Yep, Plenty
cheated?: What do you consider cheating?
kissed a stranger?: On the cheek
danced naked when you were alone?: Yeah, I thought everybody did
What Are Some Quick Thoughts On...
abortion?: That's that person's business
the war in Iraq?: POINTLESS
gay marriage?: It don't affect me, so Do Ya Thang
the death penalty?: Think about that before you take a life.
legal marajuana?: I thought it was legal... LOL Just playing. Why Not?
organized religon?: I'm Baptist and was raised
Finish This Sentence....
I a(n)...: Beautiful black successful woman
I love...: my family and my life
I'm looking for....: the winning powerball ticket worth a couple hundred million
I don't understand......: why I have to work 40 hours a week
My boyfriend is.....: ???????????????????
People say I'm....: very independent
I will always....: be a DIVA
Forever is.....: a Lifetime..
I think the current President is....: an IDIOT
When I wake up in the morning...: Im a BITCH, cause Im not a morning person
Life is so full of....: hurdles
My past is incredibly....: successful
I get annoyed when....: people act stupid for no damn reason
My mom once told me.....: If You Believe It, You Can Achieve It
I wish....: I was rich
Right now, my life makes me....: SMILE
My dog / cat....: What dog/cat? My fish is swimming around its tank
Nightmares are...: crazy..
I would die for....: my mother and my sister
Tommorrow I'm going to....: work
I really want some....: I don't think my answer is appropriate
God is....: my Inspiration
Thunderstorms make me....: want to go to sleep
I have low tolerance for people who...: Hate on the next person... WHY HATE? DO U
If I had a million dollars....: I would invest some, spend some and give some to my mom
The meaning of life is....: HAPPINESS....
You're almost done....
What do you do in your spare time?: Kick it with the Misses
What is the stupidest thing you'vw ever done?: tell somebody their hair or outfit is cute when it looks a HOT ASS MESS
What get's you up in the morning?: God, Once my alarm clock goes off
What is the hardest thing you've ever done?: Realizing that people you think are your friends are really out to get you... That shit is crazy and too common
If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go?: Aruba or Punta Cana for a week, just a little getaway
Do you dye your hair?: Yeah and It's Cute
What is your biggest fear?: Not making my mother proud
What is your weakness?: Not biting my tongue, sometimes people can't handle the truth
What's in your fridge?: The necessities and a couple of to go boxes
What do you like about yourself?: My personality, my life, my smile, my style, my butt LOL..
Can you live without a microwave?: Probably So
What can't you live without?: the support and love of my family; and my cell phone :)
What would you save if your house was on fire?: My family; Pictures; My Dad and Grandmother's Obituary; MY CELL PHONE and purse
What time do you go to bed?: around 12 during the week
How long do your showers last?: about 10-15 minutes, longer if Im slow motion
What color is your razor?: Pink
What are the last 4 digits on your cell?: If you got the number you know the last 4 digits
What is the first movie you remember seeing?: Cinderella
If you could have dinner with any 3 people, dead or alive, who would the be: My mom, my dad and my sister
Take this survey

Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com

My Interests

Shopping, Kicking with my girls, Being the wifey to my man, Getting Money $$, Spending Money $$, Traveling, Just started bartending


T.I. , Mary J Blige, Jamie Foxx, Keyshia Cole, DJ DRAMA, Trina, Yung Joc, P$C, R.Kelly, Attitude


Menace 2 Society, Antwone Fisher, Finding Nemo, The Lion King, Armageddon, Barbershop 1 & 2, Friday, Paid in Full


Martin, Girlfriends, Law and Order SVU, ER, and America's Next Top Model


Antwone Fisher



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