-Open Mic Nights
-Midnight Movie Premiers
-23 Hour Days
-Red Bull
-Long Walks
-The Occasional Cig
-Sleeping In
-Goofing Off
-"Love is handing your heart to someone and taking the risk that they will hand it back because they don't want it.... Love is a giving away of power. When we love, we give the other person the power in a relationship. They can do what they choose. They can do what they like with our love. They can reject it, they can accept it, they can step toward us in gratitude and appreciation.
Love is a giving away. When we love, we put ourselves out there, we expose ourselves, we allow ourselves to be vulnerable.
Love is giving up control. It's surrendering the desire to control the other person. The two-love and controlling power over the other person are mutually exclusive. If we are serious about loving someone, we have to surrender all of the desires within us to manipulate the relationship.
So if you were God-which I realize is an odd way to begin a sentence- but if you were God, the all powerful creator of the universe and you wanted to move toward people, you wanted to express your love for the world in a new way, how would you do it?"
-Rob Bell "Sex God"
My music taste is so diverse it will literally blow your mind. You don't want me to do that to you.
Ill just name my top 5 since I like a lot...
Top five...
-Little Miss Sunshine
-The Motorcycle Diaries
-Gangs of New York
-High Fidelity
-The Life Aquatic
-The Office
-Arrested Development
-The Sarah Silverman Proram
-Robot Chicken
-South Park
-Family Guy
-Attack of the Show
-The Boondocks
-Aqua Teen Hunger Force
-Myth Busters
A lot