MikeweaR presents profile picture

MikeweaR presents

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'VE BEEN TOO BUSY OR OTHERWISE PREOCCUPIED TO SCREW AROUND ON MYSPACE, SORRY. INFACT. EVEN IF YOU HAVE MY CELL NUMBER AND YOU'VE CALLED I'VE MORE THAN LIKELY MISSED IT ACCIDENTALLY ON PURPOSE. I LET MY VOICE MAIL PILE UP SO ANYONE TRYING TO LEAVE A MESSAGE GET'S THE "THIS USERS MAIL BOX IS FULL" MESSAGE SO YOU DON'T GET THE IDEA THAT I'M LISTENING TO ANY OF ANYONE'S RECORDINGS. IT'S EASIER THAN JUST GETTING RID OF THE OPTION. SORRY AGAIN, IF I'VE HURT ANYONE'S FEELINGS. KEEP CALLING IF IT IS THAT GOD DAMN IMPORTANT AND MAYBE YOU'LL CATCH ME WHEN I'M ON THE ROAD, BEST PLACE... IT'S OFFICIAL. PAULA AND I ARE ENGAGED. INCASE YOU WEREN'T THERE TO WITNESS THE SPECTACLE DEC. 27th. ALL RIGHT... NOW I'M SIGNING OUT FOR ANOTHER 4 MONTHS... CARRY ON WITH YOUR LIFE AND PEACE OFF...Just incase there is any confusion as to who you are friends with if you are indeed in my list. I am as self centered and an as egotistical a bastard as you will ever meet. JUST LIKE YOU. Although the truth is far more interesting to me than a lie. That is where we may differ. I stumble through life with my tunnel vision on saying, generally, whatever is on my mind at any given moment. This hurts people and I am trying to reign it in but I sometimes cannot help the rant. I am a 3rd generation alpha male raised by alpha males. A fiercely loyal friend without question or hidden agenda. Resonable and fair. The man you'd appreciate in your fighting hole when the shit hits the fan. I have your back even if you don't have mine.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:





Raymond Feist


Frank Locke, Dave Hillis and Jay Nichols (my brothers in arms), Master Seargeant Dick(Top)Daly my High School Sensai, Jennifer Northrup my Yoda, and all the friends that race to my emotional and professional rescue, Thank You sincerely, Mike

My Blog


Do not bother trying to add my personal profile to your friends list.  If you don't know me yet or you haven't played our venue. You need to find my club profile and add me there. I'm the bookin...
Posted by MikeweaR presents on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 01:08:00 PST

Look at whatPaula got me for my Berfday!

Posted by MikeweaR presents on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 01:00:00 PST