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Finally Available Online. Also to be Available on ITunes and CDBaby in a few weeks. My first EP single. This is my first independent release.My new album will be out in a few months. Please help support us. If u like the songs download them and help us to grow and bring u more music. I appreciate your support. Love Christen ****************New Music is on the way.***********************************In the last phases of finishing my first full length CD! Posted are a few songs which show the direction of my CD. The CD includes songs that me and my producer John Campos have written over the course of the last year. To say the least a lot has happened and we're just beginning. Let me know what you think!!
My single "Is this Love" made it's way onto major radio stations across the U.S and was picked in November 2005 by Promo Only as a mainstream Rythm Radio add along with Mariah Carey, the Pussy Cat Dolls, Cascada and a number of other established artists.. The song was added to stations in New York, Florida, California, Hawaii, Rhode Island, Boston, Chicago, basically everywhere but here lol! It's on many major internet stations such as the Music Station, Trance Fury Radio, FM91 and most recently XM satelite radio. The song is also being played in a number of retail outlets such as Abercromie&Fitch and Barney's in L.A.
While all this cool stuff is going on I am finishing up my CD with my producer John Campos for release through One Mind music The CD moves away from the dance genre and actually reflects a number of other influences. I am currently finishing up the recording of my final 2 songs and hope to have the CD done before the New Year, it will be released to all of you hopefully by the end of 2007! I will also be doing some showcase performances as we get ready to release the CD. Also some new photos and press pictures will on the way, Thanks to everyone who has supported me. Copies of my first release are still available click on this link.
Love, Christen