About Me
..This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editortequiza, tequila, leaning out from a fast moving car and screaming, morning laziness in bed, the sound of my footsteps on snow, summer rain, the sound of a pan right from fire to water -cozzz-, being the first to get on the bus and sitting where ever i want, corner-back seat in the dolmus, the wind coming through the rolled down car window and "licking" my face, goal on CMan, the phrase "is keen on the move", seeing my name on the envelope in the mailbox (as long as it is not a bill), the cooler side of my pillow, corona extra, smell of cinnamon, saving a long shot, mojito, brightening up of my room when it is fullmoon, tearing down snowmen, dribbling, jumping around drunk, guitar distortion, dreadlocks, sound of waves, back of ships, scaring cats, the release of the moment i take out my contact lenses, smell of chestnuts, running as fast as i can to nowhere, playing snowball, smell of just-stricken match, orange juice, taste of lemon after tequila, caipirinha, making love, hugging very tight, stretching myself, sneezing, CMan chat, watching commercials at the cinema before the movie begins, strawberry, pineapple, nah sign, saying "pussscht", soccer games on turf, pizza, chicken with curry sauce, cycling, inflating baloons, manual cameras, looking thru the camera lens, walking around with full of beads during mardi gras, running with long and wet hair, taste of salt after margarita, take off of a plane, baileys, roller coaster, speed of sunset and watching it, walking on my own, dreaming.....