The Sounds of Change Blogradio
Tune in Every Thursday for Earth Saving Tips and news as well as Groundbreaking artist from around the globe. 7:00p.m. every Thursday come join our envirojamession where we heal with music, eco-solutions, and with AGNIHOTRA, a solution to pollution the west has not accepted yet.Feel free to call the show and be apart of the healing
BlogTalkRadio Show: Mikuak Rai and Planet Restoration
Tune in Every Thursday for Earth Saving Tips and news as well as Groundbreaking artist from around the globe. 7:00p.m. every Thursday come join our envirojamession where we heal with music, eco-solutions, and with AGNIHOTRA, a solution to pollution the west has not accepted yet. Feel free to call the show and be apart of the healing
BlogTalkRadio: BPA's Bisphenol and its effects
Green News and Groundbreaking music from around the globe. Tonight We will have a special message to transmit so tune in a keep your minds and hearts open; this is an oppurtunity you dont want to miss. We will also discuss BPA's, BISPHENOL A, a chemical used in plastics and it's side effects. Stay Tuned and AWARE!!!