Member Since: 12/06/2008
Band Members: Marjolaine Charbin - piano Brussels
Jean-Michel Van Schouwburg - voice Brussels
Duo extended with Dario Palermo, composer and real time sound processing and electronics.
NEW CD(rrrr !) Quelles Bouches voleront en Eclats .
Marjolaine and Jean - Michel recorded 26/06/08 in Brussels with recording engineer Michaël W. Huon. Seven tracks are issued as "Quelles Bouches Voleront en Eclats", a CDr limited edition available now !
Influences: As usual : Phil Minton & Veryan Weston - Maggie Nichols & Irene Schweizer - the late Annick Nozati & Fred Van Hove - Julie Tippetts & Keith Tippett - Isabelle Duthoit & Jacques Demierre - Ute Wassermann & Richard Barrett - SME - Jaap Blonk - Herbie Nichols - Thelonious Monk - Pygmies Music - Tuva Music - Lennie Tristano - Kris Defoort - Cecil Taylor - Alex Schlippenbach - AMM 's John Tilbury - Sound Poetry - Paul Dutton - Henri Chopin - Jodi Gilbert - Capt Beefheart - Howlin' Wolf - Nan Kouan - Dagar Brothers & family - Kinshi Tsuruta and so on......
Sounds Like: Please have a look here :
...something around Minton - Achiary - Blonk or Dutton - Buckner - Moss etc... Piano : perhaps Van Hove, Veryan Weston, Schlippenbach, Schönberg, Bartok, Feldman, Monk, Herbie Nichols, Lennie Tristano, etc... etc.... specific sensibility ..... building identity..... finding ways...... creating spaces....... invoking images....... liberating forces .... listening ...... inventing ..........
What they say about J-M Van Schouwburg and Sureau
Massimo Ricci / Touching Extremes about Sureau (JM VS / Demey/ Vanderstraeten).
The central figure of this release is obviously Van Schouwburg, definitely among the best vocal improvisers these days, his skilful theatrical methods at the basis of a gallery of impersonations animating a cross-pollination of experiment and satirical spirit that guarantees lots of fun and some inevitable question about the possibilities of human voice. Even if the record's substantial length might not encourage newcomers, and also those who want things to sound always the same (especially when singing is involved), one can't help but manifest at least a degree of awe for such a flexible approach to improvised vocalism. Van Schouwburg’s guttural rage, sweetened repression and inconsolable crying are just three of many frequently changing masks. He can switch from a weeping lost-in-a-shopping-mall baby to a third-hand ogre in a split second, the result being utter amusement for the audience, constantly subjected to a bombardment of contrasting features. Rubbery pitch alterations and veritable cataracts of expressions are a gimme for this nice man, whose recorded output is still scarce given the unquestionable ability.
Gérard Rouy / Jazz Magazine : "une palette sonore incomparable"
Record Label: Non signé
Type of Label: Unsigned