About Me
I'm sure most people reading this probably KNOW about me...thus rendering this little box useless, but I'll do it anyway ('cause that's the kinda stand-up guy I am!) I was born a poor croatian child on the streets of NYC some 21ish years past. I enjoyed living in the city, for the most part. Fresh bagels at any hour of the day is a perk that makes filth, and the close proximity to crime, well, tolorable. For me, now, I definately love to visit every so often...but I'll never live there again. I moved with my family to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (well, Surfside, actually) when I was 8. Lived here about 13 years; went to pretty much all my educational career here, and I plan on going to college here in the fall. Met some beautiful people, and had some wonderful experiences (And Plan On Continuing Them Till Something New Comes Along). I just landed an amazing career opportunity at Better Brands of Myrtle Beach, a Budweiser distributor.. I've met some really amazing people in the last few months that I will be forever grateful for having in my life... Weather or not they stick they know who they are.. I love you guys!-Jon Markey::.:..Favorite Quote SHOWN to me by a good friend, Thx's Cait."To laugh often and much. To win the respect of intelligent people, and affection of children. To earn appreciation of honest critics, and endure the betrayal of false friends. To appreciate beauty. To find the best in others. To leave the world a bit better,whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or redeemed social condition. To know even on life has breathed easier because you have lived. This, is to have succeeded."Personal Quotes: By- Jon Markey ______________
Humanity does not survive by bread alone. Life requires other things, and Faith and Love are amongst them. For many, perhaps for all, they are the only really important things we have.
My Blog
Keep Them Close
In times of need just remember that life is a good thing..It always goes your way even when you don't realize it. Friends and Family are all that you have in this messed up world..Keep that equally cl...
Posted by Mr. Markey,, [Live Free or Die] on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 04:14:00 PST
Enforcer Of The Truth!
nbsp;& COMMIT IT TO MEMORY>> Just in case some of&n
bsp;you young whi...
Posted by Mr. Markey,, [Live Free or Die] on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 01:38:00 PST
An E-Mail I couldn't Delete.....
God, when I received this e-mail, I thought... I don't have time for this... And ... this is really inappropriate during work. Then, I realized that this kind of thinking is exactly what has caused lo...
Posted by Mr. Markey,, [Live Free or Die] on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 02:57:00 PST
My Personal Prayer To Those Close To My Heart
Dear God, With this prayer I call to mind my friends. I ask for Your blessings on them. May angels fill their nights And bless their days. May they find joy and peace and harmony. May I be a sou...
Posted by Mr. Markey,, [Live Free or Die] on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 02:55:00 PST
Poems - Dancing With Him
In dreams I am dancing with the Lord,It's a slow and glorious waltz -I'm waking as the devil cuts in,His two-step praising my faults.A twist of uncontrolled movement,And I begin to doubt my own feet -...
Posted by Mr. Markey,, [Live Free or Die] on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 08:38:00 PST