About Me
Why do we ignore the signs? They are everywhere. Why have we all become slaves to debt? What the fuck is happening to this world? Why do I feel alone? WHY do you laugh at these ideas? WHY do you ignore everything that is happening and, in turn, shaping your life? How can we stumble through this so blind? WALK. EAT. BUY. PRAISE. VALUE. WHY do we believe everything the flickering box tells us? Can you not see it is all the same shit every single day from endless blabbering mouths? Why do I feel SICK looking through EVERY window I pass to see a person staring at the fucking television? Mass media is the new religion! We don't believe in a god, the politicians have become the creators! Why do we all praise material possesions? WHY do we CRAVE to be a celebrity? WHY DO WE ALL FUCK EACH OTHER OVER!? We pretend to be civilized in this modern age, but we are all still barbarians! Why do we constantly chase the idea that we'll all be rich and famous? We are all decaying in our comfort! WHY will you not THINK outside of your tiny little bubble? All I see is hostility - Everywhere. Why do we all rely on drugs to be happy? Why do we drink ourselves to death? Why do we cram food laced with pesticides into our throats? We are all on a knife edge of history. Things have NEVER been like this. History repeats, yet we learn nothing. Has this sphere of time taught us nothing? Will we keep killing each other until the closing of this age? Today is crucial. We are now, but we are nowhere. Will Aquarius even wait for us? We are kept Naive. Freedom does not exist. It is a trick, it means nothing. WE ARE BY NO MEANS 'FREE'. Illusionists with invisible hands are shaping a global control. We are IGNORING this! We are FUNDING them! We are slaving away our meaningless lives to keep the gears turning. We are selling our souls for FIVE POUNDS AN HOUR! We are signing our spirit away to banks. We are grasping at every string dangled in front of us, just to chase the modern perpetuated dream. From the day I was born I was made to believe this is the one and only way humanity can exist. We are thrown into a system that dictates what our life is supposed to become. What we are supposed to look like. What we are supposed to think. Who we are supposed to idolise, believe and worship. The textbooks explain it all, of course! Who can even say these 'Facts' we are presented are hard evidence? Where does it all come from? Science is ONLY human opinion! Science is failing! We are our own destruction! If education is controlled, then our minds are controlled! If they control the past, they control the future! I am angry at this world! And you should be too! It is time for mankind to stand up to this! This means you. We ALL allowed that day in New York City to slip by! We still have not awoken to the terrible truth! We are being told what to believe! What is right, what is wrong, WHO WE ARE! Why must we rely on the Elite? THE MAN IN THE SUIT ON TOP OF HIS GARGANTUAN FUCKING FORTUNE!! THE PIGS AT THE CAPITAL TROUGH! The monsters of the past and the saviors of the present go hand in hand. The hands of the few keep the human spirit in line. Does no one else feel cheated? Humanity is corrupted at the core. The corrupt control our thoughts for turn of a pretty penny! We must SEE that anything is possible for us! We can DO ANYTHING! The war is coming. And when it comes I will not sit idly to the grips of idiocy. There is a tightening strangle hold on the human race, and we are allowing it to happen. We are a beautiful yet deadly creature. It is time to forget mankind's darkness. It is time to quell the evil inside of us, the evil that ONLY leads us to greed and destruction. We can be anything we want, we are not WEAK. We are our own destiny, not an entity within a system that knows best for us. Most people will laugh at this. Choose what you want to believe - I dont give a shit... Just look into it yourself, you may be suprised, little mamals.