i WOuld LIke To MeeT A GIrl From EveRy RacE..But ThatS juSs Me ThinKIN Wit MY hEaD.Ya DiGg..But On Da RealLy ReAl JusS GivE mE A hOTgIRl SumonE Who caN TwIrL The WeEd N givE A niKka Wat He NeEd....SmArT iN tHe HeaD, ThiCk oN dA thIgHS LipS JusS Righ... AinT No oNe PerFect So0 As LOng As You Kno da FundaMentAls of A laDy ...HOlLA at Cha BOi..It'S BuDdA BAby..! haHA..!