flatline! flatline!WE ARE SO HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THE CONNECTION!!!!!!!!!
THE CONNECTION is a new ministry from Hayward Spanish SDA Youth, and we want to invite you to our meeting that will take place on February 29, 2008. at 7PM. The Connection is a Youth Ministry that wants to focus on the youth, bring us together and closer to GOD. Our mission is to bring God closer to our hearts and get to know one another. In this place you can be yourself, you can come just as you are being assured that God will accept your worship as long as you do it with a sincere heart. Have any problem or need the answer to your questions, with the Word of God you can find answers and comfort that you need. Hope to see you there every last friday of the month and meet you personally. We will have music, gifts, games, special speakers and many more. You don't want to miss THE CONNECTION!