Boocy Loochops! profile picture

Boocy Loochops!

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hello!I'm a 23 year old gal. I live in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, with my hubby, Paul.I was the proud owner of two lovely little ratties called Fudge and Smudge,but the selfish blighters went and died on me! I was in nursing from the age of 17, but The Man said I couldn't do that anymore!(well, I failed an essay!) Tried me hand at some other stuff, but of course you need a bit of paper to say you can do things, nowadays! So, I worked at Morrisons! Still having flashbacks about that, which are very disturbing! Had a clothes shop in Market Vaults through the summer. I very much enjoyed catching up on doing puzzle books and reading!! Have just left my job at an EMI Residential Home as a Senior Carer. I did like it until they stole my Christmas off me!! BAH HUMBUG! I did love it, though.The residents are wicked! I'm now a gorilla (instructor) at the new GOAPE course up in Dalby Forest. I think I've finally found the best job in the world!! I've been married since 30th July 2005- no sign of divorce yet, so that's encouraging! Paul is 23 and he works as a Health Care Assistant at Scarborough hospital, and yes, that is where we met!!Our eyes met over a bed pan! I don't know what my personality is like because I'm me, but I'd say I was kind and caring and like helping people, a bit crazy and mad at times, although I don't know if that's good or bad! I like to TRY and make people laugh and can be a bit mumsy!!!(I take after me Mum!)Well, if that hasn't put you off good for you, now get in touch!!
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The Ultimate Bulletin Survey:

General Information
What time are you starting this? 11.00AM
What's your name? Lucy Ann McGuire (Nee Bauchop)
Do you have any nicknames? Boochops
When's your birthday? 15th December
Are you a boy or girl? Girl
How tall are you? 5,7"
Where were you born? Wakefield, West Yorkshire
Let The Randomness Begin
What's your favorite color? Green, I think, at the mo. Or yellow
Who do you talk to the most over the phone? My sister, Clair
Do you have a tan? No, Paul calls me milk bottle legs!
Do you have any siblings? My sister, Clair
Do you like Snapple? If so, what's your favorite flavor? Que?
Do you have a pool? You're joking!
Do you daydream a lot? Yes, especially when I'm driving or if someone's talking to me!
Are you flexible? No,am getting there now,with climbing trees and whatnot!
Can you drive? Yes, very well!
What's your favorite band or single artist? I listen to Muse the most but I love allsorts
Have you ever dyed your hair? Continuouslly from the age of 12!
Would you ever go skydiving? I'd love to but I think I'd puke first!
Have you ever been scuba diving? Nope, I'm scared of crabs
What toothpaste do you use? Aquafresh whitening, why?
What's your favorite ice cream flavor? mint choc chip or strawberry with some extra thick double cream on the top!
Who was the last person you spoke to? Paul
What are you most afraid of? Spiders, chainsaws, crabs, psychopaths, bad dreams, my imagination!!
5 things in your room: Me, Paul, Smudge, Superman costume and a deal or no deal boardgame!
5 things you couldn't live without: Oxygen, food, water, sanity and Paul!
5 friends you would want to room with: Clair, Debby, Julie, Jim, Craig, Paul, Leigh, Cuz
5 people you love: The above (although there are eight!)
5 people you hate: The above!!! (joking) I'm a lover not a hater!
This Or That
Love or hate? Love
Ice cream or cookies? Chewy cookies from the cookie jar
TV or computer? TV
Books or magazines? Depends if I want to browse or something more!
Coke or Pepsi? Diet whatever
The End
What time did you finish this survey? 11.11AM
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