Welcome to the P-Con Productions new myspace site.We are currently located in Cottonport , Louisiana.P-Con Productions has been around since early 2001, back then we were known as P-Town Productions.Our very first film that we made was called "Fire in the Jungle" . It was about 2 brothers who get drafted to Vietnam and form a bond with thier fellow soldiers of war.P-Con is made up a a tight group of friends who live all around Louisiana and California.Spencer Lemoine - Producer/Director/Writer
Micah Bordelon-Producer/Director/Writer
Luke Mayeaux-Actor
David Mayeaux-Actor
Dale Gauthiex-Actor
Jack Hunter- Executive Producer/Director/WriterTo find out more about the movies we have produced and filmed, look in the movies section on this site.We also have filmed and produced an original tv series called , "Dudeland" which spawned two movies...