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★My names Amy.
★Im 21 years old.
★I have a 20 month old son ‘Randall James‘ my little 'prince' whom I love more han anything.
★In love' w| my bf / son's father;We have been together fot 5 1/2 years;And would do anything for eachother;Nothing can come between us, sluts try; But fail.!
Younger than you think.
Older than you would expect.
★Animal Activiest .
★Proudest momma♥
★Im a slut because I have style.
★ I'm a cunt because I don't walk around w| a smile on 24/7
★I'm ugly because my face isn't perfect.
★I'm fat because I'm not a size 2
★I'm a liar because I don't tell people everything in my life.
Love it' or Hate it' But I'm the realest Bitch there is!