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Hello, I'm XGL In Egpyt you must find the great pyrimid and inside the great pyrimid there is Willy Wonkas factory. Inside the everlasting gobstopper room is where you will find Mr. Wonka. You must talk to him to recieve Aladins magical carpet. He then directs you Abu in the room of chocolate waterfalls. Abu gives you the carpet. You then leave the factory and fly to the third star to the right and straight on till morning. To Neverland we go. Once you arrive you at Neverland, you must walk down the beach and find Skull Mountain, inside Skull Mountain there are the Mermaids the ywill then tell you where to find Free Willy's tank. You then depart for Free Willy's tank. Once you are inside his tank, you must swim across and reach the island in the center. On the island you will find Ku-Ka-Berra's tree. Underneath the tree you shall find a rabbit hole. The rabbit hole will lead you to Narnia where you will find Mufasa, you trade Mufasa the magical carpet for a ride on his back to Beast's castle. At the entrance of Beast's castle Ms. Potts will be waiting for you. She then tells you to bring Belle to Beast. Beast then leads you to the top of his tower where you will find Edward Scissor hands. And he is the one who cuts my hair. After paying him in ice he then tells you to find timone and pumba who lead you into the jungle where Turk and Tarzan will lead you to my Tree Fortress.