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About Me

I'm a filmmaker, based in Buenos Aires and Bergen, Norway. I have my own production company, Geriljastil Productions, together with Iselin Åsedotter Strønen. The People and the President - a portrait of the Bolivarian Revolution is our first feature lenght documentary. It premiered during Bergen International Film Festival (Norway) in October 2007. In December it participated in the film festival in Havana, Cuba.

My Interests

Film, music, photography, literature, comic books, art, video art, dancing, football, beaches, sunsets and capirinhas in Brazil! Vamos a la praia! Vinitos y whiskicitos, shoes, men, boys, toys, food and late night dinners.


Coltrane with red wine, electronica when I'm feeling like a sexy Barbarella-robot, old school hip hop when I'm doing the boogie down break, cumbia, yeah: la gente se bailan cumbia, y la cumbia se bailan suave! Progressive and psycedelica when I'm beyond oblivion in The Loft; eating fruit and feeling like a fruitcake, Annie, Kings of Convenience, And the Lefthanded, Kiss, Stereolab, Focus, Hendrix, Beatles, Royksopp, Snoop Doggy Dogg, Tribe Called Quest, Slick Rick, Iggy Pop, Jefferson Airplane, The Who, The Smiths, Cream, Stray Cats, The Specials, Joe Jackson, Lee Scratch Perry, Datarock, Morricone, John Barry, Angelo Badalamenti.....and so much more from here till eternity. And beautiful DJ'-boys have saved my life a lot of times.


Aguirre, Der Zorn Gottes, The Draughtman's Contract, Girls in Uniforms, The Night of the Hunter, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Band Aparte, Belle de Jour, M, Polyester, Hairspray, Ladyhawke, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Mad Max 1 & 2, Jag er Nyfiken Gul och Blaa, Dom kallar oss Mods, Hello Baby, Att Angjora en Brygga, Last Tango in Paris, Happy Together, The Big Sleep, Sunset Boulevard, Peeping Tom, O Lucky Man, If, Yojimbo, The Seven Samurais, Mysterious Skin, The Deerhunter, Chinatown, The Big Lebowski, La Aventura, Blow Up, In The Company of Men, Persona and almost all of Bergman's movies, Die Hard, Alien, Ivan's Childhood and a thousand and one more goodies!


Nothing beats the glory days of Seinfeld, but now I've also discovered that series like Nip/Tuck, C.S.I and aspecially Lost are pretty cool too. On hangover-days, the shocking true Hollywood Stories on E! can be really thrilling...Spanish-dubbed The Simpsons, South Park and Starsky and Hutch...are...akwardly funny. VH1, Discovery, Retro, Cosmos, Ciudad Abierta...And of course The Sopranos, Curb Your Enthusiasm and The Office. But I actually prefer to watch the series in DVD's, hardcore marathon-style.


Tin Tin, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Thor Heyerdahl, Werner Herzog, Tennessee Williams, Sergei Eseinstein, Lindsay Anderson, Gillez Deleuze, Carlos Alonso, Milo Manara, Ingmar Bergman

My Blog

Watch Silvio Rodriguez here!

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Posted by Higu on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 05:17:00 PST

Bafici 2007 - UPA! es la mejor película argentina en el Bafici 2007

Ganamos el premioMejor Película Selección Oficial ArgentinaY el premioMEJOR PELÍCULA DE LA Asociación de Cronistas CinemAtográficos Argentinos
Posted by Higu on Tue, 22 May 2007 12:11:00 PST

We're in Buenos Aires International Filmfestival!

Check out the official webpage for the movie:UPA! Una Pelicula Argentina...
Posted by Higu on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 09:36:00 PST

Buenos Aires in my flesh

This morning I woke up to a clean Buenos Aires, the rain had washed the citystreets clean of dust, garbage, meat, alcohol and bodyliquids, and I felt a presence of something fresh and innocent in the ...
Posted by Higu on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 01:51:00 PST

A tribute to The Crying Game

Posted by Higu on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 09:00:00 PST

Sick in the Heart, Love and the Revolution

I went through a lot of the tapes from Caracas last night and felt very happy. We have excellent material for our documentary, which now have the working title Caracas Close-up. I also realized that m...
Posted by Higu on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 04:54:00 PST

Trailer: Una Pelicula Argentina

Check out the trailer for our film, Una Pelicula Argentina:.. width="425" height="350">..>...
Posted by Higu on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 10:47:00 PST

A Norwegian Blond Damsel in Distress

Yes, that's me, I'm blond, I'm from Norway, I'm a damsel, and when the cockroaches keeps popping up everywhere in my apartment - now also invading my dreams - I'm in fucking distress!But, there is one...
Posted by Higu on Wed, 25 Jan 2006 02:20:00 PST

Heaven and Hell...and the lovely things between.

Well, it's almost midnight again here in Buenos Aires. I'm feeling calm now; ready to go to sleep. Tomorrow I'll go and buy the Canon Ixus 750. I know, seriously, that it will improve the quality of m...
Posted by Higu on Mon, 26 Dec 2005 07:52:00 PST