Member Since: 11/06/2008
Band Members: Ryan Pardey seems to be the only one to show up everytime they play.The Corlene Machine is the voice of reason.
Louis XIV seem to like making music in the studio with Halloween Town.
The Shys are about to enter a world of pain.
The Las Vegas Club is Joe Kendell and we like it when he stops by.
Mark Stoermer is the reason it exists and is also a voice of reason.
Matthew Gray Gubler wishes he was its Andy Warhol and he would be if they were as good as The Velvet Underground.
Wesley Hines is the rock n roll of the band.Alex Stopa is the aussie drummer in 1,001 bands and we love him.
Taylor Milne is the greatest guitar player no one will ever hear.
Rick Miller got the whole thing off the ground.
Clayton Scrivner played the first show after a single rehearsal lasting 8 hours, he nearly died that day. Thank you for your service, Clayton.
Dave Fidrych is a dear friend of it and covered the Bass in Dublin
Bobby Lee Parker plays some wicked guitar and is one hell of a guy.
Rob Whited is meat and potatoes, but the price of fuel last summer nearly bankrupted him.
I'd like Jamie Masters to Join Halloween Town and I suppose Mike Granquist always puts in his two cents as well. Michael Stratton has a passion for Chinese Food and Halloween Town. Zach is being reinstated.
Record Label: Corn Stalk
Type of Label: Indie