People use the word Friend to loosely, just as Legend or Icon. Learn to deal with people for who they really are fake, phony, and sometimy. People are selfish and motivated to achieve their own needs by any means. I have learned to accept my Friends for who they are maybe thats why I don't expect too much from most of them. I know my Friends sometime slip the lips and speak negatively about me, but the reality of it is that "I DON"T CARE". For every one negative statement you could make about me, I have ten factual negative statements to make about you! When people spend their time talking about how you dress, look, and what you have .....clearly they wish they had your life. So the next people decide to talk about me seriously I want you to make a list compare your life to mine and see who comes out on top
My Blog
People use the word Friend to loosely, just as Legend or Icon. Learn to deal with people for who they really are fake, phony, and sometimy. People are selfish and motivated to achieve thei... Posted by on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 11:17:00 GMT