The phoenix is a mythological bird that builds a nest at the end of its life and sets it aflame. THe phoenix itself, sitting squarely in the nest, is consumed by the flame. Out of the ashes of this fire, the phoenix is reborn, more glorious and dazzling than before.It seemed to be a fitting symbol for a business that offered products related to divorce. When you get married, you start to identify yourself as "so-and-so's husband" or "so-and-so's wife." You plan an entire lifetime of being with this person through every situation life throws at you. Suddenly that life and that identity go up in flames, so to speak. You find yourself in the middle of the ashes trying to create a whole new life admist all the destruction around you. This experience has changed you, in some ways for better, in some ways for worse. (How ironic is that?) As you grow and change through this process, and as you come out of the ashes, you will likely be a different person than you were before the whole mess. But the phoenix reminds us that even out of destruction, something strong and vibrant can emerge.Phoenix Divorce Creations is a website for divorced people who are embracing the anger that springs from the pain of divorce. Check us out at DivorceLaughs. net ... CLICK HERE and divorcelaughs.com DivorceLaughs. net ... CLICK HERE
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