I have absolutely no desire to meet your wants or expectations of me. Instead I prefer to be my own person, find my own path, and blaze my own trail. Thus I shall both exceed your views regarding myself and leave you very pleasently surprised. There is no other way.I strongly believe that everyone chooses whether or not to be in charge of their own destiny. I run off the belief that everything that occurs to me, good or bad, is the result of either decisions I've made or refused to make... in the end, responsibility comes back to me. This is regardless of whether things are good or bad. I don't see myself as cocky, I simply know what I am capable of, but at the same time I always try to expand my boundries and push myself further. I am my own worst critic. I feel that it is the right of everyone to control their own destiny, but that right begins and ends with the self. Anyone who tries to control anyone else against their will is someone who will not have any respect, trust, or admiration from me.I try to be very loyal to my friends. I try to get along with pretty much anyone I meet. I try to never ever intentionally go out of my way to insult someone. I will speak my mind and not sugarcoat, as I feel that leads to greater difficulties later on. If you are my friend, I am someone you can call on day or night and I will be there for you. But I'm not stupid... if you betray my trust or do anything that causes mental or physical pain to any of my friends, do not expect to get my friendship back easily if at all.I do not like hurting people emotionally.I am single. This is because I know what I don't want in someone, and I refuse to settle. Compromise comes DURING the relationship, but it should not be used as the basis to establish the said relationship. Anyone who changes who they are about themselves just to try to make someone else happy is doing something very foolish in my opinion. Your identity is your own, and my identity is mine. Nobody can take that away from us. I am not shallow, infact I take relationships VERY seriously.I believe I was not a good person when I was younger, and thankfully I have seen the error of my ways and decided to change who I was because I was unhappy with that person. Honesty is a big thing for me because I once wasn't an honest person either, much to my regret. I completely respect blunt and brutal honesty, and that is what I will give when requested (and sometimes when not!)I really don't like filling out these types of things. I feel like I'm either bragging, or holding to much back and making myself look like some sort of super-private psychopathic loner! I view myself to be an entertainer, but I am first and foremost a friend. I LOVE to make people happy, which is why I enjoy working in the cruise business. I also like to write, and I even do some of my own comedy. I view myself as a creative spirit, someone who follows only the path that I myself blaze. Doing something or simply being what society percieves as "different" is an excellent way to get my attention! I fully intend on being famous at some point, and not for killing people either! Oddballs, misfits, abnormalities, iconoclasts, individuals, dynamos, deviants, paradoxes, vixens, varients, clowns, buffoons, entertainers, and of course other jesters can call me Friend. I know not the reason for my existance, and I know not my purpose, but I plan on doing things in my own way until I figure the world out. I shall not bore you. Some people make the mistake of thinking that I SUFFER from insanity, but the truth is I enjoy every moment of it! My hobbies include stormchasing, playing with my dogs, hanging out with friends, making new friends to hang out with, making people happy, cracking jokes, trying to make up my own comedy, watching wrestling, long drives, snuggling, playing video games, laughing, and making other people laugh. I try to never judge someone initially, and just because you live your life differently from mine doesn't mean I'll look down on you. I am a very trusting person, and I strongly dislike dishonest people, and hypocrites too. If my trust is broken, you will have to work very hard to get it back. I also hate unnecessary waits, especially when I'm driving. If I say something, it takes a lot for me not to follow through on it, I like to think.When I have the time, I train to wrestle professionally, though I must admit this happens pretty sporadically. I don't know if I'll suceed for fail at this endeavor, but I plan on finding out for myself, and anyone who chooses to doubt my intentions or convictions behind them can be damned! If I fail, then I fail, and I accept that. Are you brave enough to chase your dreams, no matter what toll it could take on you? Or do you condenscend to cover your own lingering unhappyness when it comes to choosing whether or not to take control of your own destiny? I for one, am NOT a statistic.I write. I have several books planned. Knock on wood!I am online a lot. You can reach me on AIM or Yahoo messangers by looking for TheNaughtyJester. If you have MSN Messanger, I'm on knuckles79@hotmail.com. Please introduce yourself to me if I haven't spoken to you before, and let me know where you got my info. Otherwise I may be inclined to ignore you.
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