jjSchaeppi Photography)) profile picture

jjSchaeppi Photography))

I am here for Networking

About Me

It's a state of mind. It's that place where you lose yourself and find yourself. You don't know it yet, but you've got it. I saw you with those guys, you're a pit bull. They didn't back you down an inch. - And that is very rare in this world.I just ski. (left). and dream. and surf. and scream. and construct silent symphonies- with a camera. In places most wouldn't know or dare to go. and celebrate every moment. and YES.! and.. You really wanna know?? I dare you to find out...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Sasquatch. The Ascended Masters. Snap, Crackle, Mitch, and Pop. Vainamoinen. AND Yoda. (together).View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment

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You know those places most people don't know? Or dare to go? That's usually where I'm shooting.:: contact.questions.inquiries.purchasing.photo sessions.stoke.sheer awesomeness.etc.contact through myspace or [email protected]

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this jjSchaeppi photo vid :: Think Nike: Just Do It. Show some love.))!=P Appreciate those of you who represent!!much<3PuraVida.w00!

(((((official jjSchaeppi photography myspace))))).!! HellzYeh.

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