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MSN Buttons and MySpace Layouts from MakeYourSpace.comMy Love is Basketball and plain out having fun, weather its crackin jokes at work to pass the time, or see how bad i can make someone look on the court.My goals include going
back to school to better my eduacation in the arts of media entertainment, in which someday I hope to be producing a new music video to your fav artist, when it comes to music and media Ima nerd, and tend to be so intrested in anything, call it ambitious if you want, I also plan to build my name to the point where being a star falls short of my reputation, haha fuck a star i wanna be a galaxy babe.
When it comes to my girl ima be honest now a days I been picky, sayin u my girl means a lot to me and if it were to happen to go down like with you bein my girl and me yo man, I already know u fit my type, I need better yet want a chick that's not just gonna be 100% for me but 110% down for me, cuz that extra 10 or 50% is what's gonna make you different from the next chick that say she wanna be down, just like its gonna make me different, anybody can say they wanna be in a relationship but its takes a lot to act upon it, right now I need a DOWN ass chick, not just mentally, spiritually, and physically, but all of thoes in one, Someone who gonna hold me in everyway possible while at the same time stayin true to me, faithful to me and real with me, just as much as I am with them, I freak when we alone and a lady when she around my fam and friends, a buddy, homie, companion, lover and most of all friend, someone who just gon be all about bein DOWN for her man who is me ya know, a beyonce for a jay-z, and bonny for a clyde, and whitney for a bobby, ok maybe that's a bad example but u get the point right, is that 2 much 2 ask? Can this be you?
Busta Rhymes , Mariah Carey , 2pac , Aaliyah , Biggie , Beyonce , Dre , 50 , eminem , Game , etc.
All the Fridays, Training day but fav of all time Love and basketball "double or nothin".
The Road to Greatness
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My mother possibly the smartest beautiful person on this earth, my family and friends, but most important my enemies that motivate me 2 keep pushin.
MySpace Surveys - About Me!
name: Delmar
age: 19
sex: M
school: Graduated
hair color: blk
eye color: brown
shoe size: 10/ half
height: 5.."8..'
birthday: May 28th
birthplace: Bakersfield
favorite color: Royal Blue
favorite food: Italian
favorite drink: Water
favorite ice cream: Vanilla
favorite gum: Orbit Cuz I Got A Dirty Mouth
favorite sport: Basketball
favorite candy: M&M
favorite movie: Love & Basketball
favorite T.V. show: Fresh Prince
favorite store: Demo
who was your first crush: Teresa Chavez
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Me & My Girlfriend
if so who: She Know Who She Is
how long have you been dating him/her: Feels Like Forever
do you believe in love at first site: No
how long was your longest relationship: 3 Years
where was your first date at: Movies
have you ever gone on a blind date: Plenty
have you ever been in love: Yes
have you ever kissed someone: Yes
have you ever lied to someone: Yes
cheated on a test: Yes
fist fought someone: Yes
stalked someone: Nope
stolen something: Yes
smoked: Nope
drank: Nope
how many pairs of jeans do you have: 1,000,000
how many shirts do you have: 1,000,001
how many friends do you have: Not As Many As I Have Enemys
how many movie theaters have you been to: Too Many
how many people have you dated: Too Many
how many cell phones have you had: Too Many currently 2
how many people do you have on your buddylist: 200+
how many friends do you have on myspace: 900+
how many times a week do you go to the mall: 1 = Payday = Make It Rain Day
how many times a week do you normally excercise: 7
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MySpace Surveys - Have You Ever
Had Detention: Yep
Got Caught Doing Something Illegal: Nope
Kissed A Person Of The Same Sex: No Homo
Loved Someone: Yep
Eaten Something From Japan: Yep
Drank Alcohol While Your Parents Were Home: Nope
Toilet Papered Someones House: Nop
Played a Prank On Someone: Yep
Screamed Very Loud In The Library: Nope
Been in a Commerical: Yep
Went on a Rediculous Diet: Nope
Bought Something Way to Expensive and Threw Away the Reciept: Yep
Fell off Your Roof: Nope
Pretended to be Cold so you could Cuddle up to Someone: Yep
Had a Dream come True: Yep
Got into a Fist Fight: Yep
Asked someone out that you Barely even Knew: Yep
Went on a blind date: Yep
Been out of the United States: Nope
Laid Outside and Watched the Clouds: Yep
Had a Tea Party: Yep Sike Nope
Used a Fake I.D: Nope
Hated the way you Look or Looked: Yep Sike Nope
Hated the School you went to: Yep
Cried your Self to Sleep: Yep
Laughed until milk came out of your Nose: Nope
Written a Letter to santa: Yep
Seen a Ghost: Nope
Gone Skiing: Snow Boarding
Cried so Hard you Laughed: Yep
Laughed so Hard you Cried: Yep
Slept Naked: All The Time
Gone Skinny Dipping: Nope
Liked an Animal: Yep I Love My Bitch
Rode a Horse: Yep BareBacked :)
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MySpace Surveys - Last Time You
last time you bought something: Today
last time you took a bubble bath: Wow
last time you cried: Not Too Long Ago
last time you slept with someone: Too Long Ago
last time you got in trouble by your parents: Shhhhiiiiitttttttt
last time you talked on the phone for over an hour: Today
last time you read a good book: Months
last time you went out to dinner with someone special: Last Month
last time you said i love you and ment it : Not Too long Ago
last time you bought something expensive: 2 Months Ago
last time you stayed up all night: Last Night
last time you dressed differently than you normally do: Wow
last time you brushed your teeth with someone elses toothbrush: Wow
last time you cheated on a test: 12 Grade Final Ms Hetch
last time you were called a bad influence: Not Too long ago
last time you went to a funeral: Thankfully A Long Time Ago
last time you had your heart broken: Yesterday
last time you were truely happy: Day Before Yesterday
last time you drove a car: Yesterday
last time you drove a truck: Christmad
last time you broke the law: Neva
last time you touched someone of the opposite sex: Last Night
last time you screamed: Last Night haha
last time you kissed someone: Last Night Hahahah
last time you hugged someone: Last Night hahahahahha
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MySpace Surveys - Currently
What are you wearing: Basketball Shorts & a Smile
What do you taste: Dinner
What do you smell: Dinner
What do you hear: Anthony Hamilton
What are you feeling: My Fingers Hitten The Keyboard
What channel is on T.V.: Off
What time is it: 1:23am
What should you really be doing right now: Sleep Or Fuckin
Do you miss someone right now: Yes Dearly
What is your mood: happy but sad
Current crush: Cant Tell
What is bothering you at the moment: Life
What is your current favorite color: Royal Blue
What is your current income: Im Laughin Straight To The Bank
Do you have any jewelry on: Yes Ear Rings and Chain
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