KnoxVegas profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

I Finished up my senior year at Evergreen State College. Now what? I have been asking that since June of 04. I am doing my best to avoid reality... so far I have been doing ok but its now time to payback all those student loans. My plans that the financial system would collapse before collection time didn't really work out for me. I am looking at grad school now... more student loans... but more time for the system to collapse before I have to payback those as well:)So in order to avoid reality a little while longer I was a social worker dealing with At-Risk-Youth. And now I work for Ringling Brothers Circus. I am so using that high dollar education to its fullest. I live on a freaking train and yet those student loan people are still able to track me down....

Check out my website:

My Interests

Music, Movies, Cars, Political Science, Law, History, being artsy, photography.... hmmm can I be any more specific, yet vague at the same time?

I'd like to meet:

Who would I like to meet? Well, do you want to meet me? I like people with wit and charm. Sarcasm is a must. Blunt and to the point. Do you enjoy avoiding reality? Do agree with every opinion I have? Do you disagree with every opinion I have?


Benjamin Ickies Preservation Society, Gogol Bordello, World Inferno, DeVotchKa, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, Maldita Vecindad, Dresden Dolls, Rage Against The Machine, Kool Keith, Hieroglyphics, White Stripes, Kings of Nuthin', Dirty Birds, Rev. Horton Heat, Germ Pollet...ect I like some fairly odd stuff but I really dig it when their roots are punk/ska.


Evil Dead 1-3, Cowboy Bebop, Kill Bill, Boondock Saints, Way of the Gun, so many 80's movies that I can't even list, If its got Zombies I dig it, Serenity, Star Wars. Despite how bad it may be I always try and support comic book and video game cinema.


FireFly (RIP), The Lexx, Cowboy Bebop, Star Trek, The Shield, Lost, The New BattleStar Galactica, Rescue Me, Family Guy, Futurama, Sealab 2021, Law and Order, Heroes...


Almost anything by Philip K Dick, Neal Stephenson, Harry Potter books, Robert Heinlein, Garth Ennis, Kirkland, The Watchmen by Alan Moore...ect There are so many to list. I could go on and on... comic books count right?

My Blog

updated website with new tour pix

just updated with new tour pix. just click on the links that have tour in them. Some are from the circus others are from my stint here on Finding Nemo.
Posted by KnoxVegas on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 08:05:00 PST

Back from Bonnaroo

So I just got back from Bonnaroo a few hours ago. Freaking Tired. I was pulling 12-16 hour shifts driving bands and other "industry" people around. I met some really rad people, bands and maybe a few ...
Posted by KnoxVegas on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 08:05:00 PST


So I got a Birthday card on 3/2 and I have no idea who its from. I know it came from some one named Kate but I have no clue who that is. The card didn't even have a return address. I think it came fro...
Posted by KnoxVegas on Sat, 04 Mar 2006 11:30:00 PST

holy crap I put a song on here

holy crap I put a song on this thing.... how the fuck do put something else up now? Nathan... help me
Posted by KnoxVegas on Sat, 17 Dec 2005 08:47:00 PST