I love playing guitar.I love playing both electric guitar and acoustic in standard and alternative tunings with or without slide .I love old and new blues (especially Texas blues, and Hill Country style blues ) and classic rock. I play piano too and play barrelhouse, swing, comping, and ragtime. I have played live at nine clubs/outdoor stages. I can play alot of Hendrix songs ( my favorite is Castles Made of Sand and Axis Bold as Love). My favorite musicians are Lightning Hopkins, all the Hill Country people( like the Burnsides,Kimbroughs and T Model Ford), Professor Longhair, Jimi Hendrix ,Albert King, Skip James and a lot of other past/present musicians. I am a former competitively ranked tennis player , but now playing my guitar and piano and keyboard), are what I really love to do. I've written eight songs . I like geology , metallurgy , studying animal behavior ,( especially birds) , botony, and art history, and I have a large mineral collection . I also love books. My favorite books are Brave New World and Animal Farm. I wish I could wake up one day and be able to play piano like Omar Shariff {Greg Alexander) or exactly like Dr.John . href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vdmlld21vcmVwaWNzLm
cyODc=">Arielle wants you to check out a photo on MySpace in the April Student Showcase album