Welcome To Spit Central is the official spin-off all access web TV show from the good people at Enter The Zone TV. WTSC is the brain child of Indikator, who wanted to expand the ETZ TV audience. WTSC is the show that is dedicated to all who have something to say. Be it Emcees, Spoken Word artists, R&B, Pop, DJs etc, we will bring to you the hottest "spittas" you will allow us to. The show will be hosted by Indikator and Kenyetta aka Yeayo and executive produced by Indikator and Bill Gass, Jr.Any artist who would like to be involved with us at Spit Central, drop us a line and we will get back to you promptly. Get down with us as we build this movement. Welcome To Spit Central is produced and powered by Enter The Zone TV.
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