To start things off, my name is Alvaro Cadavid, I go by the name "Junior" as well. I grew up in Rocky Hill, CT and currently live in Dade County, Miami, FL. I am a student at Nova Southeastern University and I'm studying Business. I have always had a love and passion for music, at times it would be the only thing to get me through the day. I began writing during middle school, starting off with poetry and basically anything to get problems out of my head. In high school I began writing lyrics to songs that I could create in my head but I never knew how to go about getting it through speakers. So, as things would turn out, I was at the age of 16 and that meant time to get a job. I put my writing on hold for a while, but no matter how my day went it just did not feel the same without venting my emotion through a pen onto a piece of paper. Once College hit I began to focus more on making some free time to have that personal communication with myself; time when I would sit down and write lyrics. It was during my first year of college when fellow K.O.S member Properloot approached me and asked me what I wanted to do with my music. I told him that I wanted to be well known for what I do as an artist and to be successful. With such an honest response to his question he then asked me if I was serious about my music and what I wanted to do with it, my response was "P, what are you getting at here?" It was then, at that moment, K.O.S aquired their third member. Not too long after that, Proper wanted to know what I'd call myself. I searched in my archive of various names I've been called throughout my lifetime, not so fond ones also haha, but one stuck out to me more than the others....Junior. Growing up my family called me Junior and that's what I knew myself as also. This was the beginning of the K.O.S Era, Properloot, Charlie Brown, and Junior making their entrance into the music scene with unlimited tenacity and determination. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the K.O.S supporters for showing your dedication, loyalty, and patience inbetween show dates and cd release dates. All producers are welcome to send work to us, [email protected] do work individually and also as a group, feel free to leave feedback, comments, fan mail, whatever you want.Stay updated by also joining our Facebook group "Knock Out Squad Ent."You can also check out our new website that's getting ready to launch, www.KOSYES.comBe Easy, Stay True, One Love
.... ..I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!