My family, My son always number one. Friends don't have tons but they are good ones.
Besides that. Here it goes you gotta love me or leave me alone.
Concerts.. any especially if i don't know the band it makes or breaks it for me and throwing people back in the pit.... Fuck yea.Drinking, preferably anything with Alcohol in it. jello shots, being dark and morbid as i've been told. Getting Tattooed and pierced. Not cutting myself when all of the above has applied it's generous blessing of guilt and need to feel the pain.
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What Kind Of Sex Should You Have?
Kinky You like whips, chains..... crazy stuff. You are creative with sex. Keep it going!!!!! I hope you have a partner as kinky as you, otherwise you wont be satisfied.
Sex-Intimacy Quizzes
Fun people, that like to hang listen loud music have a few beers
That have a good sense of humor.
And won't drain my soul, I don't have much left.
Mudvayne, Linkin park, Godsmack, Beastie Boys, Incubus, Paul wall, Mike Jones, Eminem, Duke Jupiter, Stevie B, . The Cure & Sex Pistols-> Best fucking memories. PRINCE i don't care if you don't like it. I try to support the local scene as much as i can. EVERYTHING has it's place. hip hop, dance ( not a huge fan of techno but if i get glow stick whatch out) Anything local, BML, Intox, Bee eater, The taint, Puddle, inherence, torso's from space, astropimp, Omniblank, Tar, 40 oz failure etc.
Outsiders, Purple Rain.... Again i would marry Prince in a heartbeat. Monster..... '"see what men drive women to do". Sid and Nancy, Memento. Cannot forget Napoleon Dynamite... "I know your just jealous cuz i've been chatting on line with babes all day". Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, X-men, Devils rejects, Dodge Ball, Wedding crashers, Anchorman.
Carnival, deadwood, Soprano's. Anything on comedy central. My new love is Ghost Hunters and CSI Las Vegas. God i love DVR. Little man and i watch allot of cartoons, Billy and mandy, Spongebob, courage the cowardly dog and Naruto how could i forget
Anything about, demons, ghosts, supernatural, and serial killers. Thanks to my peeps i've been introduced to Clive Barker.
Anyone that has been addicted to anything ( ie herion, coke crack etc ) and got through it !!!!! Miss You Dad !