As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that isn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
R&B - NeYo - hate that i love you - make it work - go on girl - sexy love - becoz of u - JUstIN tiMberlake - my love - take away your love - sexyback - NeLLY fuRtado - all good things (come to an end) - promiscous - Gwen sTefani - hollaback girl - sweet escape - luxurious - 4 in the morning - Mariah Carey - thank God i found you - Always be my baby - we belong together - dont forget about us - breakdown - Boys II men - a song for mama - end of the road - water runs dry - on bended knee - 4 seasons of lonliness PUNK - AvriL laviGne - wen ur gone - keep holding on - GreendAy - wHen sePtember ends
- honey - you got served - spiderman sequel - little mermaid - mulan - pirates of the carribean - harry potter - the grudge - the ring - a walk to remember
muH faMiLy ..< papa .. mama .. ate janice .. kuya john .. kuya owie .. nin .. ging .. susan .. tita keren .. jAnnaH .. kirsten .. ate kath .. errshie > .. couLdn't liVe wiDawT deM .. datz fo suRe .. deY're alwayz der 2 heLp anD guide mEeh .. cAre 4 mEeh .. thRu thiCk and thiN dEy r dEr .. sTandiN bEsiDe meeH anD lovin meEh 4 whO i aM .. i cuDnt go through this freakin life without them .. i loVe dis faMilY so mCh .. loVe y'aLl ..
weLpz ..< jerome christopher leuterio arriola >he isH muH hEro .. muh liFe .. muH loVe .. muH eVerythNg .. he'z the only one i'll ever want and need .. i couldn't ask for more .. nothin more .. just him makes meeh happy .. he is the reason for everything .. he is the reason for my happiness .. and he is the reason y i always wanna wake up in the mornin .. hE aLwAYz makEz meeh laUgh nD smiLe .. tnX 4 cOmin 2 muH lyf .. moRe daN worDz cAn sEii hoW "spEciaL" u reaLly arE 2 meEh .. hope u wont let go even tho sometimes im such a "pain in da ass" .. loVe u so mCh bie.. 12.17.04