this isnt the real miley its just a miley
haters clube if u hate miley tell us yy (=
miley is taking over the world and she needs
2 stop kidz look up 2 her and soon ther going
2 start putting pics of them in ther bathing
suits and doing tat thaing with ther fingers
and tonge kidz dont know wat tat means so if
they see miley doing tat they might start 2 .
i know most teens r crazy and take wild pics
but she has 2 be more carful she has ppl who
look up 2 her and a nother thing like i said
shes taking over the world u cant go anywair
without seeing her ugly face or tht hannah montana
hannah montana haha wht cind of name is tht!!! ggoosshh
i hate it and im not the only one... love yea!!! <3 lol