Elliot Carver profile picture

Elliot Carver

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Elliot Carver was born in Hong Kong. Officially an orphan, he was the illegitimate son of a German woman who died in childbirth and Lord Roverman, the Hong Kong and London press tycoon. A Chinese family took the boy for a one-time fee of fifty pounds. Thirty years later, Carver confronted and blackmailed Roverman into suicide and took over his media empire. This expanded background was found in the official novelization of Tomorrow Never Dies, and it is also shown in a deleted extended scene in M's car, from the Tomorrow Never Dies special edition DVD.[1]Carver is an international media baron who frequently uses his influence to gain an advantage for his firm or wreak havoc on opponents. He threatened to release scandalous photos of the President with the Chicago cheerleader if the bill lowering cable rates wasn't signed, then planned to release it anyway. Another time, after a British beef baron lost a bet to Carver and refused to pay up (on the grounds that the bet was rigged), Carver got revenge by releasing stories on "Mad Cow Disease".More nerfariously, he planned to start a war between the British and China, hoping to wipe out the current Chinese leadership in Beijing so his cohort could take over. Beyond the massive publicity such a war would produce, a friendlier political atmosphere would lead his television network, the Carver Media Group Network, to secure exclusive broadcasting rights in China for the next century, something that the exisiting Chinese politicians have denied.Elliott Carver is seen when he asks his counterparts what is going on in the headlines. At the launch party, he gets unusually aggressive with his wife, Paris Carver and has a foul attitude towards Bond just because Paris and James had a relationship back in school. Elliott told Paris that he loved her before they got married. When Stamper tells Carver that Mrs. Carver and James slept together. Elliott has Paris make an appointment with Dr. Kaufman, a nefarious henchmen of Carver's and kills her with the art of chakra. Setting a fuse between Carver and Bond. But at the end of the movie, Bond's love for Paris is replaced with Wai LinCarver runs his operations on a stealth boat that can move undetected by radar. Bond and Chinese People's External Security Force agent Wai Lin infiltrate his boat and learn he's going to fire a missile at China so as to start a war.Bond kills Carver by allowing a sea drill to grind up his body. The drill, known by some as "SEA-VAC" was previously used in the film as a torpedo-like drill that sank HMS Devonshire.Carver is based largely on real-life media mogul Rupert Murdoch, who is conservative and supports mainland China's stance against freedom of speech.He is also based, in part, on deceased British media magnate Robert Maxwell, who died in mysterious circumstances on his luxury yacht and who is believed to have committed suicide (though some believe he may have been assassinated). In the movie, M's cover story for Carver's death is strikingly similar.Carver, in announcing his hypocritical 'Declaration of Principles' on the abortive inaugural broadcast of his news network, is also reminiscent of fictional newspaper tycoon Charles Foster Kane, who in turn was based on real tycoon William Randolph Hearst, whose famous quote "You provide the pictures, and I'll provide the war" Carver paraphrases to Bond on his stealth ship.

My Interests


I like THE DEPARTED, and a really good movie was Pans Labyrinth, CASINO, THE BREAKFAST CLUB, HEAT, MIAMI VICE, Tomestone,all of the Lethal Weapons, Inside Man, CASINO ROYALE, The Patriot, Scarface, then SIN CITY, The Bench Warmers then it is Collateral, X-MEN, also movies BLACK HAWK DOWN are the Old Batman, Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman and Robin, and Batman Begeins, Star Wars I, II, III, V, VI, and IV, Jirassic Park I, II, and III, Indaina Jones I, II, and III, The Godfather Part I, Part II, and Part III, Scarface, James Bond (My favorit one is CASINO ROYALE), , and the 1933 and the 1970's and the 2005 KING KONG...


MTV, Disney, Nick at Night, and the greatest chanle of all time Comedy Centeral............


I love to read comic books, Spiderman, Superman, Batman, V for Vendetta, you name it, but my favorit of all time is SIN CITY.


My parents..........