Yong Kiat profile picture

Yong Kiat

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

a simple but not ordinary teenager.i m someone who thinks alot.. having my own theories.. my own logics...

My Interests

Cars, Archery, Explore new places,

I'd like to meet:

life is really short... there is so much people in the world.. its impossible to know everyone.. but.. i would like to know as much people as i can.. as a person will only live once.. only once... n life is short.. i wouldn't wanna miss out anyone.. as it could be my lost or their lost for us all not knowing each other in this life time... therefore... i hope to widden my circle of friends.... to know as much friends as possible...


nice, sentimental ones, meaningful ones, eurobeats


Top Gun, Wings of Apache (aka Firebird), Armageddon, Pirates of the Caribbean, Turn left Turn right, The Last Samurai, King Arthur n many more.


JAG, Buffy, Friends, Smallville, Charmed n many more


Cars Mags

My Blog

1st blog entry...

hmm.. my 1st blog entry... lazy go make a blog.. so.. glad tat tis myspace can let me juz post here.. so much easier.. hmm.. feeling very sicky n fan now.. my throat swelling.. causing mi to ha...
Posted by Yong Kiat on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST