AHAHA!!! Hi my name is IGGY! I love so many people i want to marry them all but my mommy says i can only marry one unless we move to Utah and i dont want to move there because its too cold outside and its far from my house.
I have my own tv show and im so happy ahahha yes its so beautifull! I like ice cream even though sometimes it hurts my teeth and i yell and scream but then it goes away and it tastes so good in my tummy.
I like to eat pizza but one time you know what i ate so much pizza and my tummy was so big that my mommy made me go outside and run around and around and around so that i wouldnt get a bigger tummy and i dont like running so my mommy only gives me one slice now :(
I want to meet more beautifull girls that mean so much to me and go to the movies and eat popcorn and go to the playground and watch tv with them when my mommy lets me watch tv its only a few times a week because she says its bad for my eyes and that there is too much reality tv shows that she doesnt want me to think that real life people eat bugs and stuf on that show you know that show where they try to survive yeah i watched it once and got introuble cus i wanted to eat a lady bug and my momnmy saw me and yelled at me and now we kept that lady bug and its my pet Marge.
I have some of my girlfriends below from my own TV SHOW!! ahahah i love it so much its so beautifull!! Ok ill see you soon bye!!! and i love you!
My love Ellen Degenerous
My Love Kim Kardashian
My Love Oprah Winfrey
My Love Britney Spears
My Love Hermonie Grainger
My Love Amy Winehouse