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I am here for Friends

About Me

girls layout @ HOT
HotFreeLayoutsMy baby girl she is the most important thing about me... she will be 3 12-11-06 to cute hu....Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
............Just random questions.......
what is your best friend's name/names? I Have a few
How long have you known them? For sometime now
How old were you when you got your first kiss? I dont remember i think in middle school like my 1st or 2nd year somthing like that
Whats the name of your first boyfriend/girlfriend? i really dont rember that
How long was your longest relationship? 6 years
Have you ever been in love? yes twice
Would you kiss on the first date? no i dont think so
What would be your perfect date night? depends on the guy
Whats your perfect guy/girl? wow ummm yea
What if you had magical powers for 24 hours, what would you do? start conversations im interstersted in and i would like to read peoples minds that would be cool you would get more out of that i think
Have you ever been jelous? yea what girl hasnt
pick one........Pink lemonaide or yellow lemonaide? yellow but really sweet
Do you have a job......if so where at? yea i teach preschool
Who was the LAST person you talked to? my daddy
Whats your favorite mixed drink? soco and sweet tea
Whats your Zodiac sign? virgo
Do you believe in true love? yes
Do you believe that there is a perfect person for everyone? ohh yea and everyone before that person is just lessons that were needed to get were you are now...
Black or Brown? ??????
Gold or White gold? gold and white gold depends on the cloths i have on
What cant you live with out? my toothbrush
Whats your obsession? pictures i love to take pictures of everything
How do you like your Guy/Girl to dress? what ever looks the best just not like a freak and let me see you in it first
Do you like to go shopping? sometimes
What kind of animal would you be? monkey
Cats or Dogs? dogs
Do you have unlimited text mesgs? no i dont do the text thing jsut call me
Do you believe in luck? yes
Showers or Baths? showers more than baths but both

My Interests

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Can you paint? never really tryed
Do you tell your friends about your sex life? sometimes
If you could live anywhere where would you live? some were in florida other than ormand beach mybe miami
Have you ever kissed someone you didn't know? no not that i can recall
What is one thing you don't leave home without? there are times when i forget everything
What's the last CD you bought? i dont remember ive bought quit a few lately
How long does your shower last? depends on what im going to go do
What's sexiest on a guy/girl? eyes
What is the car of your dreams? ummm let me think on that
How many drinks before you're tipsy? 4 1/2 beers or 2 mix drinks if I makes it 1 mix drink
Favorite thing for breakfast? over medium eggs, tost, sasage, hashbrowns
Bite your nails? no
What is your middle name? Dawn
Do you have anything monogrammed? no
Are you a morning person or a night owl? both i can stay up all night and be just as bubble the next morning
What's one of the 'funnest' things you've ever done? ask someone other than me i dont know
What's the one language you want to learn? spanish, sign language
Do you snore? no
What jewelry do you wear 24/7? earings my neckless
Person you talk most on the phone with? i talk to alot of people on the phone
Have you ever experienced deja vu? ya many times
What fictional character do you admire the most? tinker bell
Which musical instrument do you wish you could play? guitar
What's your all-time favorite song? i have many
If you don't like a person, how do you show it? i dont talk to them ill talk to anyone so if i dont talk to you i dont like you i guess
Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? i would hate to be stuck in a room period
Single or taken? taken
What's the worst thing you ever said to someone? i dont know
When did you last watch Bambi? not that long ago but i have a 2 year old child
What's the best advice given to you? the advice my parents gave me when i was younger that i never took tell now
Have you ever flashed someone? sure
What do you order at a bar? sex on the beach or captin and pepsi
What's the last thing you watched on tv? i dont remember
What kind of watch(es) do you wear? i dont
Do you pee in the shower? no
What's your favorite sexual position?
Crushed ice or ice cubes? both i like to eat ice
What is the most embarrassing item in your record collection? not sure
&..39;What do you wear to bed?' depends on were im sleeping
What did you do for your last birthday? got shit faced i think
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? at night yea i cant sleep with out one
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose? i dont know
When was the last time you punched someone? along time ago
If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? my memaw shes passed away about a mounth ago and i would love to eat lunch with her just one last time.
Who's your second family? ashley and geno
What's your favorite soundtrack? i dont really have a facorite
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? both
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? only the right
What's one thing you're a sore loser at? im not really s sore loser i dont think
Favorite Sesame Street character? big bird
Would you rather be rich or famous? rich
Favorite Halloween costume of all time? my super man under roos when me and ashley were like 16
What kind of first impression do you think you give to people? i dont really know
What store do you shop at the most? wall mart i love love that place they have everything.
Have you ever had your heart broken? yea
What is the first thing that you think of when you wake up? dam i have to get up now
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? not regularly but sure everyonece in a while
What's the last thing you bought? cigerets
Can you name all four Tellitubbies? no
What do you cook the best? all kinds of stuff when i cook
Do you bite your nails? no
Are your parents married or divorced? they got a divorve for like 7 years and now there remarried
Do you prefer Purple or Pink? pink
Would you rather be on time and look OK or 10 minutes late and look great? be on time and look ok
If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you go? i have to think about that one
Have you ever owned a Marilyn Manson CD? no
What's the soonest that you've slept with someone? i dont know
Person who knows the most about you? ashley, my mommy
What's the last thing you do before you fall asleep? think about my day
If you could choose your own name, what would you pick? i like my name
Favorite teacher? i dont remember
Do you talk in your sleep? sometimes im sure
How do you like your eggs? over medium
Have you ever broken someone's heart? i dont know i dont think so i usually dont have time to before they break mine
Do you possess magical abilities? no
What was the last film you saw at the cinema? i dont remember
What's the weather like? pretty
Can you blow spit bubbles? no
Favorite toppings on pizza? any kind of meat and cheese
If you died tomorrow, to whom would you leave everything you own? malia my daughter
What is your favorite board game? i dont play board games
If you turned your CD player to 'radio', what kind of radio station would it be on? country or hip hop im sure
How many schools have you been to? more than i can count ive moved alot
If you could have any color hair what whould it be? no
What's one car you will never buy? pt cruser
What kind of soap do you use? body wash
Say something nice about the person who's myspace you got this off of. i love ya girl

CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!I dont really do to much anymore i have my fare share of partying but pretty much we all just kinda chill at the house.... when i have my baby girl we go to the park and stuff but mostly she likes to hang out at home to so other than work i chill with my friends and my daughter....

I'd like to meet:

Someone that wont take advantage of me and will treat me well i dont ask for alot just enuf... i would like to be able to trust a guy for once i always pick the ones that say they would never hurt you and then always do... so a good kind person would be nice but really at this point in time i just got out of a really serious relasionship and am not ready to start a new one i dont think...unless the right person came along but i would take alot for me to trust someone again im sure...


I love all types of music..... you put it on im pretty sure ive eather hurd it or now the whole song music is really important to me its kida my way of realiving stess and everything eles if im upset i just turn on a song that realts to whats going on with me at that time and sing away...


any movie when i have time to watch them....but really i dont get to see to many when they first come out....

adopt your own virtual pet!


i love This new show called pinks that shits great i dont really like watching the cars but bikes are cool, I watch alot of the UFC shows and in spare time if theres nothing on i like crime shows like csi or law and order Thats my tv time but to be completly truthful i watch alot of tv with my daughter so we watch her tv shows more than mine


i read only when i have to i did read da vinci code about 3 mounths ago that was a really good book..


My grand parents defff they have been throu so much in there life i really look up to themIn loving memory of Linda l. Choate know to us as memaw.. miss you