KSturd: put that under your name on everything.
KSturd: she is gaurded by the swiss.
"Jim says: jon and i are going to buy a life size cutout of ken griffey jr today and we're going to rent a sampler and load it up with wesley snipes and empire strikes back quotes for the ted leo show. griff-bot 2000!"
I put two sugar packets in my pocket today.
I wax cryptic.
"Perche mai una scrittore americana viva a Roma? Prima, di tutta perche non si frega niente si sei vivo o morto. Loro sono neutrale come i gatti! Roma e la citta del'illusione non un caso qui che la chiesa, il governo, il cinema. Tutte cose che producono illusione... come fa tu, come fa io. Sempre piu il mondo si e vicina all fine... perche troppo popolare, troppo macchine, avvelene. E qua che posto migliore citta molto tanto nato a nuova vita, nato a nuovo vita? Quale posto piu tranquillo... per aspettare per la fina dal'inquinamento e sovrapopolazione? Che il posto ideale per vedere se tutto finisce o no."
"Well, you ask me why an American writer would want to live in Rome. First of all, because I like the Romans. They don't give a damn whether you're dead or alive. They're neutral, like the cats! rome is the city of illusions. Not only by chance, you have here the church, the government, the cinema. They each produce illusions....like you do and like I do. We're getting closer to the end of the world...because of too many people, too many cars, poisons. and what better city than rome which has been reborn so often? What place could be more peaceful...to wait for the end from pollution and overpopulation? It's the ideal city for waiting to see if it really will come to and end or not.""Roma"-Fellini
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4