CHORUS OF GASTORNIS profile picture


About Me

CHORUS OF GASTORNIS was a bad idea turned wrong & good in the X-Garten in Ostkreuz in Berlin in 2002. Larry had one o them walking with beasts hologram cards that had fallen out of his cereal in glasgow days previously. It was decomposing in his back pocket. It was a Gastornis one.Gastornis was a giant 'Terror Bird', what ate small prequels to horses. A beast so foul it made the monguls howl. It was the size of a delinquent allosaur & had the beak of a puffin.Phuq me said Larry. What kind of sqwuak would that beastie make. Big, dangerous, beautiful...eating horses. This got him in the mood. He turned to fiddle Daniel & began to sing in tongues. Dan fiddled. It got better. A shortage of cash meant Gastornis had to relocate back to Blighty & more specifically, the Glasgow school of art & "brain school" at Larry's friend Joel's flat. Joel now fronts Shitdisco pop, but his misguided time in the Chorus of Gastornis alongside Darren Shit helped Larry get his head apart. They even played gigs. People even came. They had such a great time that all evidence was either destroyed or dissappeared. Good times.The Chorus...became the soundpeice for the "irresponsible lyricism" found in Laurence Elliott's drawings & paintings & prints, the soundtrack to them, even. We even played to art club when Laurence appeared in 2003's bloomberg new contemporaries & Mark "Peanut" Mc Gowan headbanged while Larry sweated & sang, the crowd did their Eton illuminati thing. Someon came up to Laurence & said "only one person here(in the show) could've made that noise". Nice wan. Job done. For then.Now, the CHORUS OF GASTORNIS ISN'T a proper band, just whatever desperate folk Larry can find to jam his ideas with. YOU can play. So can your aunt fanny.On the songs here, Laurence is on all voice except for 'ONGOING SOURCE OF STRESS', which is written & performed by Joel Stone. 'DADDY DRIVES A UFO' has some tasty slide guitar supplied by Mr Brendan Harrington. On 'VALENTINE'S DAY' & 'CRY FOR THE CHILDREN', Kristian Emans does the computer wizardry music. On 'OVER ON AN ISLAND', Joel Stone plays Dave's double bass, Larry sings & a room of drunks & reprobates chink & drink & help. Kristian did his computing skills on this one & Larry farted into the mic at the end. 'MACHETE ATTACK' was recorded with the big help & brain of St Nick Mc Carthy from Franz Ferdinand on Hammond organ & Mandolin. The Niallist supplies some backing vocals & helped Larry mix the tune up how we felt reflecting & fitting of the event it's about (having to beat a knife gang out of your close to stop murder) & the sequence & swells of the song are concurrent with those exact acts of ultra-violence. Notice there's far too much winkle in this & there's a desire to do a lovely duet with a lovely lady.Currently a binman in Chichester, west sussex, england, while he tries to scrape together enough money to officially relocate to the birthplace of the Chorus,Berlin. Berlin, where we also has a gallery deal. We shall try more tunes there & need to arrange lots of people to sing in a big open space for Madeleine. A shambolic choir. If you're there & can It should be about mid August...Write to us via this if there's anything we can do for each other. Because there could be.

My Interests


Member Since: 09/06/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: LAURENCE ELLIOTT (vocals & songwriting).JOEL STONE (vocals & songwriting on 'ON-GOING SOURCE OF STRESS',double bass & words help on 'OVER ON AN ISLAND' & did stuff on MACHETE ATTACK).KRISTIAN EMANS, (lots of computer help, bass & stylaphone & keyboards on CRY FOR THE CHILDREN & VALENTINE'S DAY).St NICK Mc CARTHY (hammond organ & Mandolin on MACHETE ATTACK).BRENDAN HARRINGTON, guitar on DADDY DRIVES A UFO.THE NIALLIST, (backing vocal on MACHETE ATTACK, helped mix it up, record label big chief).And YOU on anything you'd like to work with the Chorus on in the future...?
Influences: Everything thats ever happened to me, what won't happen, what can't happen.
Sounds Like: What it might sound like in the mind of someone who deliberatley tears celebrity photo's from newspapers & wipes his arse on their faces.A scuffle with the bridgeton derry.MDMA, THC, LSD, Alcohol, hypoglyceamia, frustrations, fighting, chemical mind control from cheap foodstuffs, but trying to refuse the annunaki agenda.
Record Label: LittleRockRecords
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Choir to finish the Berlin!

Hi everybody,The time is nearly here. The work is nearly done...but there shall be a final sprint effort required & some new computer skills to acquire!I'm trying to get 10-15 girls, 10-15 boys, & abo...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 17:37:00 GMT

The Skinny article..with minor corrections.MACHETE ATTACK!!!

Boasting an unlikely line-up, including members of both SHITDISCO & FRANZ FERNIAND, the CHORUS OF GASTORNIS is the latest in a long line of projects to come out of Glasgow's Chateau. The Skinny uncove...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 06:39:00 GMT