If you want to know when the next HOLLYWOOD Summit Show's Battle of the Summit is just go to: http://www.myspace.com/battleofthesummitWe want to meet anyone and everyone!!! We want to meet extreme people and document their lifestyle. We want to meet YOU!!!...............................Chit-Chat..............
The HOLLYWOOD Summit Show Chit-Chat Banner
Click on your name to change it. If you want the codes to this chit-chat banner just ask for it. Fact is, we just want to hear from you all.When life gets boring, we step up to the plate and knock every ball we swing at out of the park!The HOLLYWOOD Summit Show's next event:"GO SKATE DAY HOLLYWOOD STYLE"
On June 21 skateboarders around the globe will celebrate the first day of summer, the birth date of one of the Hosts of The HOLLYWOOD Summit Show Morgan "HOLLYWOOD" Monroe and the pure exhilaration, creativity, and spirit of one of the most influential activities in the world, SKATEBOARDING, by blowing off all other obligations to SKATE!!!!! OH YEAH! And who better to host this great day?
The HOLLYWOOD Summit Show will co-host two events on this day, holding fundraiser's, demo's, give-a-ways and all out skateboarding. A very very special appearance by your hosts of The HOLLYWOOD Summit Show Tom Spano and yes the birthday boy himself Morgan "HOLLYWOOD" Monroe and the rock band Suburban Tragedy giving away free CD's.EVENT #1
Ian Tilmann Skate Park of Safety Harbor, FL http://www.cityofsafetyharbor.com/index.asp?NID=356
940 7th Street South
Safety Harbor, FL 34695
(727) 724-1530EVENT #2
Striling Skateboard Park. http://dunedinskatepark.com/
Striling Skateboard Park is at the MLK Jr. Center
550 Laura Lane
Dunedin Florida 34698
Phone: (727) 738-2920A very special thank you goes out to:
The HOLLYWOOD Summit Shows cast and crew. http://www.thehollywoodsummitshow.com/
Morgan "HOLLYWOOD" Monroe. http://www.fuel.tv/morganmonroe
Tom Spano. http://www.fuel.tv/tomspano
Daniel Sternklar of VIE3D.TV http://www.VIEW3D.TV
The City of Dunedin Florida. http://www.dunedingov.com/
Barry & Marcy Tilmann of The Ian Tillman Foundation. http://www.theiantilmannfoundation.org/
Suburban Tragedy, http://www.myspace.com/suburbantragedyGo Skateboarding Day http://www.goskateboardingday.org/ The City of Dunedin Florida http://dunedinskatepark.com/ & The City of Saftey Harbor Florida http://www.cityofsafetyharbor.com/index.asp?NID=356
DREAD OR DEAD www.dreadordead.com