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I am here for Friends

About Me

Si tienes una página en Internet, Myspace, o Facebook y quieres añadir en ella un enlace de Siempre Joven. Porfavor copia el código que aparece en los recuadros de texto y lo peguas en tu página. ¡Así de fácil! Gracias! SOLO EL LINK-ENLACE Siempre Joven con Alma Menera y Chuyin Rocha
Siempre Joven con Alma Menera y Chuyin Rocha IMAGEN CON LINK
WWW.DOMINIORECORDS.COM Hey guys my web-site called "FOrEVER YOUNG WITH ALMA MENERA AND JESUS ROCHA" in hope that one day i can be BIG!!And This is my logo So if you like it or like me just added it to your page and you'll be helping me a bunCH!!!You can also become a subscriber and each month hear me talk about a different topic. I'm open to ideas comments concerns and all that good stuff!just let me know..I have nothing but love and respect for everyone so help a friend out! :0) MY LIFE. So Alma is My name, for all of those who don't know it and for you that already knows...I'm 23 years old and can't freaken wait till i expand my wings and go far in life. It's kinda hard to tell you want i'm like because you don't really know a person until you hang out with them. Yeup! .don't date over internet...Experienced and troubled relationships thought me to love my self first. SO I'M MAKING NO ONE A PRIORITY BUT MY SELF."SIEMPRE JOVEN CON ALMA MENERA Y ACHUYIN ROCHA". "FOR EVER YOUNG WITH ALMA MENERA AND CHUYIN ROCHA". This is what my web site ...So if you want to hear my voice check it out!Our web-site is about reaching out to people in a emotional sence. So far we've done 7 pod casting episodes that are so worth listening too,trust me! I'm really excited about this project...If you can give me some feed back i would be greatly appreciative. Check us out at Go ahead! Click on it! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TOO!!!.. "PEOPLE ARE OFTEN UNREASONABLE, IRRATIONAL, AND SELF-CENTERD; FORGIVE THEM ANYWAY. IF YOU ARE KIND,PEOPLE MAY ACCUSE YOU OF SELFISH, ULTERIOR MOTIVES; BE KIND ANYWAY. IF YOU ARE SUCCESSFUL, YOU WILL WIN SOME UNFAITHFUL FRIENDS AND SOME GENUINE ENEMIES; SUCCEED ANYWAY. IF YOU ARE HONEST AND SINCERE PEOPLE MAY DECEIVE YOU; BE HONEST AND SINCERE ANYWAY. WHAT YOU SPEND YEARS ON CREATING OTHERSMAY DESTROY OVERNIGHT; CREATE ANYWAY. IF YOU FIND SERENITY AND HAPPINESS. SOME MAY BE JEALOUS; BE HAPPY ANYWAY. THE GOOD YOU DO TODAY WILL OFTEN BE FORGOTTEN. DO GOODANYWAY. GIVE THE BEST YOU HAVE, AND IT MAY NEVER BE ENOUGH; GIVE YOUR BEST ANYWAY. IN THE FINAL ANALYSIS, IT'S BETWEEN YOU AND GOD; IT WAS NEVER BETWEEN THEM AND YOU ANYWAY." .......MOTHER TERESA

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Jorge Ramos, Maria Celeste, Mirka Dellanos an other famous news anchors.

My Blog

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