CJ profile picture


Grip it and rip it

About Me

Lets start with I am a sports fanatic. If i did not have sports to come home to i would not no what to do with my life. My week goes on how my teams go. I love the Lakers, Halos, and Raiders till the day I die. My favorite players are Kobe, Kobe again, Vlade, Randy and Porter should the two best recievers in football. i have played baseball since I was 4, and can hold my own with a bat. I say kill rock music in society today, and stick to the classics like Zepplin, Ozzie, Guns, The Beatles, The Byrds (that ones for you dad), Ray Charles, Frank Sinatra is the man. I live my life for my friends and family. I love to go out and have a good time. i am very out going person and have a good sense of humor about every thing. I think my teams will win every championship every yearI edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

Baseball, Basketball, watching sports, Bartending, meeting new people


Guns n Roses, Led, The beatles, emenim, 50 , anything Dr. Dre produces, Ozzie, Van Halen, The Doors


Pulpfiction, Snatch, Friday, Goodfellas, Braveheart, Scarface,Van Wilder, Batman Begins is the shit,Rush Hour 1 and 2, GodFather Series, Star Wars 2-6, Lord of the Rings, Sandlot, The Natural, Field of Dreams, Major League,


Sportcenter,Real World,C.S.I,Baseball Tonight,When ever the Lakers, Raiders, or Halos are on,Family Guy, Sienfeld, Laguna Beach, O.C. thats right ill admit it


Van Wilder, Kobe Bryant is the the best basketball player in the world!!, Vlade, my dad,my grandfather, Mark Cuban, Arty Moreno