*Full Name: Benjamin Joseph Manaly Novak
*Birthday: July 31, 1979
*Born and Raised in: Newton, Massachusetts (Boston)
*Currently resides in: Los Angeles, California
*Siblings: 1 younger sister, and 2 younger brothers
*Attended Newton South High School and Harvard University
*Graduated from Harvard summa cum laude, and with a degree in English and Spanish literature
*Wrote for the Harvard Lampoon...became editor of the paper during his sophomore year
*Wrote a satirical play in high school...the same play that John Krasinski played the lead role in
*Loves pandas, coffee, and the color blue
*Full Name: Ryan Bailey Howard
*Nicknames: The Temp, Fire Guy
*Job: Temp, then Corporate Boss
*Likes to party
*As a temp, Ryan attended business school at night
*Started the fire :-)
*Former Relationships: Kelly Kapoor
*Number of Sales: ZERO
*Liked by: No one...well except for Michael...with that man crush
*Arrested for FRAUD
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