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Arsenio Baca

Live today like it's on purpose!

About Me

About me...damn...i guess i am jus ur down-to-earth, dont wanna deal wit no drama type of guy.haha but really life is so crazy for me rite now, tha i dont need to be addin more problems to it. I am a man tryin to find my peace on this earth, i moved to New Mexico so i could stay focused on college n get it done n over with, lol but i gotta admit...its hard bein away frm the bay!!! neone whos been born n raised there n left can feel me on tha. But im on a mission n no matter how hard it gets i aint gonna give up, i refuse to. So u wanna kno wat im all about never acceptin less than what i dream all about never givin up cuz u gotta fight n feel pain n heartache to become nethin in this world...yea thas me.
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My Interests

.. width="425" height="350" .. My passion rite now is fightin. Im all about trainin, n jus tryin to push my body to limit. its the only thing tha keeps me disciplined n it is very important tha i always remain disciplined, especially during this period of my life. Im tryin to graduate college as soon as i can, so i cant loose focus. I luv the women like no otha, n all the girlz n my life no tha i luv ya all. i also luv basketball, ill always be a baller for life so if u challenge me u bettr bring ur A-game. Otha than that im alwayz down to try somethin new as long as its somethin i wanna do;) My bro kickin ass in Redding

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Jus be real wit me....dont be hidin nethin n tryin to be somthin u aint. id rather kno the real u cuz all u gettin frm me is the real me. Nate DIaz

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Pretty much everythin, hip hop n R&B n reggae the favs i guess


Fight Club!!!Braveheart,Blow,We Were Soldiers,Scarface, Bad Boys II...watever


Dont watch it


I wish I had time to read


Che Guevara, Muhammad Ali, Marvin Hagler, Bob Marley, My Dad...ever since i can remember my pops has always been my role-model, he is such a damn hard worker, n i guess ive learned frm him more than nethin that u gotta work HARD to get nethin u want n life....but my dad doesnt work for himself, he works for me n my brothas...he sacrificed himself so tha we could grow up in as best an environment as he could provide. My dad did everything he could to make sure we got all the opportunities possible to make somethin of ourselves, n if nething keeps me goin when times get rough, it is him. I will never give up, becuz i will never let myself dissapoint him...i want to show my dad tha i appreciate everything hes done for me, n the best way i can do tha is to graduate college n make somethin out of myself....n thas exactly wat im gonna do. Yea thas my hero

My Blog

Life is Good...

Things is startin to finally come 2gether for me...i kno where im goin in life n im startin to see how im gonna get there, evrythin doesnt seem so overwhelmin anymore. the world's startin to not ...
Posted by Arsenio Baca on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 12:57:00 PST