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About Me

Miss B, aka Sarah Loraly Lee, also known as Paris Nathalia from her pornstar past from being greenlanlands first sexbomb, she is though better known as a model, an evil blaspemitic christian, who has the believe and faith in maria magdalena, the beloved christian who was loved, a whore, and who loved everyone, a reason might would be that sarah loraly lee never herself have found love, but where the blasphemetic in blasphemetic christian comes in, is in cause of that she will allways study the occult, and practice withcraft good as evil, she believe allso in the bible might made of H.P. Lovecraft Necronomicon, where she sees herself as the becomming goddess of ARDA or NINNIB, she believes in INANNA or Nuit, a name as those who believed in croeleys prophercies, as the socalled thelemitter this day keepsholy, it meens something as gods gate, And in the occult christianity she calls herself Ninia Ninib Arda; aswell she reconize the system as fallen, and therefor have given herself the posision as the QUEEN OF PENNIES, the person there shall help her people out from a ragless system in a dawn of belief, therefore she thinks that christianity the belief of catholism is he new necronomicon, and that god once was one of the older gods from the necronomicon, and that the other oldest ods over arda and over marduk has split themself to give life to us people, and the earth and animals. and that one pertically God the God as we now know, has become the godian watcher over the earth - SO THEREFOR DIAVOLA THE BLAPHEMETICELY CHRISTIANLayout made by Snow White Queen

My Interests


Member Since: 07/06/2008
Band Website: www.nathaliavonotepsy.com
Band Members: Music they are, a theme they are together; DIAVOLA is sin and prophesies, the unborn, they are the blasphemetic christian musicband, x-members they both are, but knowless they have in music them both, they are uniq toghter as a team, understand each-others will, the are the evil, and the SHE-DEVIL...
The LVRS Lyman Place
Tura Satana Tura Satana-Luna
Manhole Manhole-Kiss or Kill
My Ruin My Ruin - Religiosity
Kittie Kittie - Into The Darkness

Sounds Like: .. type="text/javascript" src="http://o.aolcdn.com/aim/web-aim/aimapi.js" .. .. type="text/javascript" AIM.util.createStyleSheet( "http://o.aolcdn.com/aim/wimzi/pitchblack_standard.css");.. .. type="text/javascript" src="http://o.aolcdn.com/aim/web-aim/wimzi.js"..
Record Label: b.eautifully
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Lead_Vocal of DIAVOLA

Miss B, aka Sarah Loraly Lee, also known as Paris Nathalia from her pornstar past from being greenlanlands first sexbomb, she is though better known as a model, an evil blaspemitic christian, who has ...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 14:28:00 GMT