-student of Visual communication design at International University Of Sarajevo-VJing connects two best things in my life, music and visuals-my first live was in 2006. in Sofia, on workshop for young artists-Im creating my visuals by using Corel, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After effects, and Adobe Premier pro.-My style includes all graphic elements which I can think of, drawings, video, Photoshop brushes, free hand elements, types, because I think that every project is different and it needs special approach.-Im a member of psychedelic deco group Kolor Kultura-My msn is:[email protected] events:25.07. Cocta Summer Party @ Palma (Tuzla)30.07. Cocta Summer Party @ Club Kruna ( Banja Luka)01.08. Dominium-TravnikRecent events:19.07. Cocta Summer Party @ Pecina (Mostar)10.07. Junior Jack & Kid Creme @ Dom mladih19.06. 09 Cocta Summer Party @ Pecina (Mostar)05.06.09 Kindjurijada/Velahavle19.03.2009. One night exhibition - Wien (Austria)- Kolor kultura, VJing, video art (Org. Ditiramb)27.02.2009. Neuro wellness- Oxygen (Mostar) - Ajnspric, Taurus Gemini, Effective thief,(Org. Transistanze)
Maya and Moai- VJing, and deco by Kolor Kultura
19. 12. Sonic winter - Oxygen (Mostar)- VJing + deco by Kolor Kultura (Org. Transistanze)
10.10. Velahavle -Sloga (Sarajevo)22.8. 2008. SFF party, Obala meeting point (Sarajevo)21.8. 2008. SFF party, Obala meeting point (Sarajevo)2. 8. 2008 DOMINIUM (Travnik) * Main floor (Techno)22-27. 7. 2008 Una river splash (Bihac)*TRANCE FLOOR DECO + VJing10.7. 2008. Saranagati, izlozba slika (ASA art gallery, Sarajevo)23-30. 6. 2008 Motion+ Graphics workshop (Pocitelj)19. 4. 2008 Velahavle Kino Bosna (Sarajevo)Click and see the works:http://www.youtube.com/vjmaja
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